You can plan this once examination dates are declared. Tips while preparing for examination :
• Study examination time table, note the dates carefully.
Do not make mistake while noting down the time table
• Prepare study time table & discuss with parents and friends
Let us assume there are four subjects and their examination starts on 25th of a month. You need to start planning for a day of study and subject.
Procedure to prepare a schedule
1. In the column "subject", mention various subjects in reverse order of examination. i.e. examination of last subject enter as # 1, and so on.
2. Prepare a calendar marking the dates from today till last date of examination mentioning the dates in each cell (e.g. from 1st till 28th in above calendar)
3. Mark the subject wise examination calendar at the end of calendar
4. Mark in exactly reverse manner & assign one day to each subject for the revision, starting from just one day prior to first paper in reverse manner thus forming a "V" curve.
5. Then assign 3 to 6 days for each subject based on volume & complexity of the subject, how much you already have studied, etc in reverse manner.
6. Mark one day out of these 3 - 6 days for a revision and other study (studying answer sheets, earlier question set, etc)
7. Check if the first day of planning is earlier than today. In that case you have to reduce no. of days allocated to each subject.
8. Check if the first day of planning is later than today, then you have to assign few more days to couple of subjects.
9. Please include practical examination and at least 1-2 days for study for the same.
Check how many revisions you are doing :
1. First revision while you have completed first round of study
2. 2nd revision & question paper solving is when you have completed study at stretch in round 1
3. Third revision is before examination starts
4. Fourth revision is one day before paper after returning from the examination of paper till you go for this paper.
5. Glance revision before sitting for a examination. However relax at the last moment since students by now must have learnt a lot.
1. Note that you have noted the examination time table accurately. Recheck yourself and verify from your friend.
2. You have sound sleep during examination. Keep cool & happy mood, learn to control the thoughts.
3. Do not think about performance in past examination, just concentrate the paper on next day 4. Do not discourage friends with unwanted discussions like status of your study, how hard is the subject you are feeling, which mistakes you made in earlier examination, how does future looks like, etc