understanding pronunciations listening to CD or relevant content like movies, etc. Seek guidance from those who have appeared. It is all about 30 seconds maximum what impression you offer. Prepare yourself for the interview without pressure. Prepare to study and live in the U.S. You will have U.S. University experts talk to you about the academic, social, cultural and sporting life in US universities. Also try to seek the list of admission for this year and if anyone staying in your city or nearby city. You may want to join the various groups on internet like yahoo group or finding accommodation & room partners. Try to collect information and seek guidance on important issues such as foreign exchange, accommodation, insurance, medical requirement, communication means, etc. There will be options for choosing accommodation like university campus and taking flat on rent jointly with couple of students. Details captured for each steps. Preparation Following will be helpful getting admission in the best of university • Good score of entrance examination & TOFEL
Experience in India will be considered positively • Do mention of research work or publishing white paper in profile
Nicely composed Statement of purpose (SOP) (Download samples, compose it well & get it reviewed)
Excellent academic reports from professors Learn about GRE,GMAT,TOFET and IELTS using Google search Test Prep: 6 Tips for GRE Success Need help mastering the GRE? These tips may help you tackle the test. Know what to expect before taking the GRE. Every year, more than 700,000 people take the Graduate Record Exam, commonly known as the GRE. GRE is most commonly taken as a computer-adaptive test, meaning there's no need for a pencil and those all-too-familiar bubble sheets. On the computer-based test, the difficulty of the questions is based on the accuracy of your answers to previous questions. The better you perform on the first sets of 20 verbal and quantitative reasoning questions, the harder the next sets of 20 questions will be. 1. Go back to high school: Many GRE test takers are many years removed from the basic tenets of high school math, which play an important part in the quantitative section of the test. If you're rusty, it's important to revisit the concepts of algebra and geometry that you learned in high school. Algebra and geometry are assumed background knowledge in college courses, and you will be hardpressed to find a class to take at that level [that] will prepare you directly for questions of this type. 2. Sleep with your dictionary: While the GRE's quantitative section is not much more advanced than the math found in the SAT-and familiarity with concepts learned in high school should be enough to post a decent score-the verbal section went to college and graduated with honors in English. During your time in school, be sure to read as much as possible to expand your vocabulary so that you can decipher unfamiliar words, testing experts say. You can assimilate far more diverse vocabulary over four years of college than you could ever hope to by cramming for a few weeks or months prior to the GRE. It is extremely important for success on the qualitative sections of the GRE to be well read. Reading English news paper and preparing 25 new words to add up to your vocabulary will be of great support.