Learn as much, be an expert in a subject matter of your own field; remain curious to know about any topic of discussion, do spread your knowledge Understand you are of great value, cannot be bought on terms. Its non-negotiable. No one can dare to get wrongful deals done by you. Develop analyzing people around, and ability to distinguish in good and bad people. To be around good people, have role model, observe various the best attributes and adapt as many Money is important, conserve as much, and learn finance & economics. Smell the risk, and mitigate. Do not compromise on dignity, values and self-respect for the sake of money. Keep life simple so needs would be. High thinking and simple living is the key! Learn to value money. Enjoying luxury is not encouraged. It comes at somebodies cost. E.g. if you have developed a lawn, water needed to develop it comes from someone who needs it for drinking. You need to learn to preserve the nature. Save environment, save trees, save water. Keep doing your bit, do not worry if others are not doing it. Keep limit for consumables you need. It keeps your needs limited. Do not get corrupt, by brain and heart. Do not get a single penny of illegal money at home. Mind you, when you generate black money or bring illegal money at home, it brings problems as well. Be creative, understand the problems people are facing and look forward for the solution Develop habit of writing blogs capturing the thoughts Be a leader, take initiatives and lead from the front! Own for the failure and give credit to others for success. Set the guidelines and governance standard, give direction! Guide people around. Be grateful to those helped, express gratitude for who have helped / obliged for the smallest thing. Do not ditch them ever. Learn to say No & be careful. Unnecessary arguments are not good. Follow & trust to whom you respect. Do not get used too, look for the intentions. Check if someone is using you for any selfish intention? Try to be the best among all, and never compromise lesser than the best; use heart and brain both. Learn to smile, enjoy and live. While you are thinking about do's, make sure to avoid don'ts as well Do not fool or cheat anyone, even without intentions or unknowingly Do not get fooled and cheated; this does not mean doubt on everyone. Just be cautious. Keep away from the bad habits of adultery, speculation, alcohol, non-veg and smoking. Do not get tempted or agree under pressure. Remember peer pressure and confidence that no one watching takes you to this route. Its eazy to walk on these routes, but returning from this point is difficult. I have deep and strong believe and fairly firm, may be you want to adopt the few
• Rational has to prevail! • Do not hit the head against wall!
Each individual has infinity ability! • Wise I am today, introspect your self
Be contended but remain ambitious too! Deeds and decisions decide the destiny!
Success means how many lives you have impacted positively! • Weightage the event, decide its importance and how long you would remember any event