4. They pursue their hobbies 5. They sleep in time 6. They learn something new 7. They spend time with nature 8. They disconnect to introspect.
More doors = more options More windows = more views More roads = more directions More people = more contacts Network = Net worth
HOW TO BE A GREAT COMMUNICATOR: • Be present • Put down your phone • Maintain eye contact • Talk less — listen more • Listen to learn - not reply • Stay focused on the topic • Ask questions • Never interrupt • Have empathy • Keep it positive Poor guys work Rich exploit Soldier protects both Taxpayer pays for all 3 Drunk drinks for all 4 Banker robs all 5 Lawyer misleads all 6 Doctor bills all 7 Undertaker buries all 8 The Politician lives happily on account of all 9 Written by Cicero in 43 B.C. but valid even today. URGENTLY NEEDED An OPTICIAN to change the outlook of people. An ARTIST to draw a smile on everyone's lips. A GARDENER to cultivate Good Thoughts. A SCIENTIST to rediscover Compassion. A MATHS TEACHER to teach us how to count on
Ensure quality education Gender equality Access to energy and water Promote employment Combat climate change Promote peaceful and equitable society Make cities safe and sustainable. You Did Not Choose Your: Students Their Parents Co-workers Schools Leadership Lack of resources Superpowers that all of us can develop: 1 forgive first 2 write down what we learn 3 inspire others to dare, dream 4 stay teachable 5 be calm and optimistic 6 shared happiness 7 strength to eat last 8 immunity to entitlement 9 sense of gratitude 10 to live a recommendable life On a Sunday: Take a walk Read a book Go into nature Eat healthy Make a note of things-to-do for the week Spend time with parents Read a book about something you don't know Discover new music Meet up with close friends And please don't waste your time Life is short, live it fully. Love is rare, never lose it. Contempt is bad, throw it. Fear is paralyzing, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.