On personal note o Don't consume alcoholic drink o Don't smoke o Don't eat non-vegetarian food, save health
Ratio -Skill & time
Time (or Age)
Skill enhancement :
Skill enhancements is a planned activity Master training to be planned to improve the skills & abilities Skill is like weight of body, does not give you a feel of increasing / enhancement Ratio of skill to time needs to increase then stable during implementation phase and again should increase Ratio remaining constant is ok however it is an alert if it is
decreasing Mistakes & happiness : • Analyse the mistakes / failures / blunders
Mistakes are fine, not blunders, MUST not be repeated Few mistakes are like ghost in the whole life and have negative influence throughout the life Mistakes might be out of misunderstanding; communicate effectively Avoid risks which get converted to mistakes After age 30; People would have extremely low affordability & sustainability and higher responsibilities.
Happiness after
Time span in years
Points to ponder:
Break the believes "It's difficult" "what others will think" "I cannot do it" Start saying "its eazy" "it's possible" "I can do it"
Do not afraid of failure, learn from those • Let your mind think it simple & eazy
Plough the SEED, offer the fertile land & water Grow it like a big tree, day by day, step by step! Do not expect it to grow over-night. Share the fruits of your success with community Listen to heart, choose the work which you do with joy, without tiring, passionately, without bothering about money
Start changing, commit yourself Follow few important tips:
• It is never too late • Learn to gather latest information, gain knowledge & apply wisdom