Rapid Response Effective Leadership Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose. - G.K. Nielson.. Various books Way to success, good to great, Be successful, stay hungry & stay foolish, I hv a dream....No books teach to salute a boss & be successful! #reality of d life! If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and zis keeping your mouth shut. -Albert Einstein... hmmm few ppl trying to prove him wrong-:) Thoughts Make You Wealthy. Wealth and success start with what you choose to think and talk about most of the day. Two options: fail by existing #rules, or succeed by changing! I did later! Compete with yourself, do the best and keep improving on your best 4 attributes are important - Simplicity, Courage, seriousness and politeness! Self destruction... There are six gates to self destruction - Lust, ego, hatred, anger, fear and greed! Manage your stress or it will manage you 1. Manage your time better 2. Manage you coping skills 3. Manage your lifestyle 4. Manage your social support 5. Manage your thinking Make the choice to get your life back on track! Happy moments: Praise God Difficult moments: Seek God Quiet moments: Worship God Difficult moments: Trust God Every moment: Thank God! • Not to hold the grudges! • Do not spoil anyone's life • Do not shout/ disturb anyone! . Do not get disturbed by anyone! You might have body of age 55 but let your mind remain in childhood (simple, honest & non-manipulative) Phase of Life is like mango, when small it remains bitter, when it grows further becomes sour and later becomes sweet. At least try to be like mango. You might be bitter & sour during your early age however during old age, try to be sweet! Whenever someone gets angry, maturity level reduces at that point and one tends to do non-sensible things. Do not decide or act when you are angry!