Tips for wonderful career 1. Remember the quotes by former president of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam "Dream is not what you see
in sleep. It is something that does not let you sleep!" 2. Try to select a career in such a way that you set to be unique & differentiate from the crowd. E.g.
If you are programmer or software engineer, you might be one of few lacs students graduating every year. If you are post graduate engineer say M.Tech or MS, you will be within very few thousands. Further if you know any foreign language say Japanese, you will be among just among few hundred students. Thus you are one where there is a high demand and fewer resources like
you are available. Obviously you will have a huge respect and demand. 3. Aiming low is a crime! 4. You are what you believe! 5. Seek education compatible to career choice you have selected or decided, aim for the highest
technical education in your field, do the best. 6. Keep you wish extremely high, like what is quoted in Poem by La Manch
o To dream the impossible dream o To fight the unbeatable foe, o To bear the unbearable sorrow, o To run where the brave dare not to go, o To love the pure and chest from a far, o To right the unforgivable wrong, o To try when your arms are too weary, o To reach that unreachable star, o This is my quest to follow that star, o No matter how place, no matter how far,