You have to learn about yourself. Your values, interests and skills, in combination with certain personality traits, will make some careers suitable for you and some are not. You can use self assessment tools (career tests) to gather this information. Later prepare a list of occupations that are deemed appropriate. You may choose to have career counselors or many opt to use career tests.
Career test - http://careerplanning.about.com/od/careertests/
Ten Myths About Choosing a Career
1. Forget What You've Heard About Choosing a Career
2. Choosing a career is simple
3. A career counselor can tell me what occupation to pick
4. I can't make a living from my hobby
5. I should choose a career from a "Best Careers" list
6. Making a lot of money will make me happy
7. Once I choose a career I'll be stuck in it forever
8. If I change careers my skills will go to waste
9. If my best friend (or sister, uncle, or neighbor) is happy in a particular field, I will be too
10. All I have to do is pick an occupation... Things will fall into place after that
Time frame to start planning a career
It is suggested to start career planning since standard 8th onward. Start reading blogs, news paper, watch educational videos, challenge the aspirations and start dreaming, discussing with close friends, parents and relatives, start shaping up the ideas, set the goal and march toward it. However it is never late. There are phases in career and one can change the direction if needed applying the correction. Planning your career
Planning your careerBefore you can get a job, you'll need to think about what sort of job or career path suits you. There's also information to help you plan and develop your career and take the steps to put that plan into action
• Planning your career sections
• Career planning resources
Employability skills
Finding a mentor
The Willing and Able Mentoring Program
• Find out more about that job
Life after uni
Career planning resources
A career plan helps you to pick a career that suits your interests and abilities and to work out the best way to pursue that career. A career plan provides a more formal way of thinking about your future by writing down a step-by-step process that will lead you from where you are to where you want to be. And like any plan, it's also important to periodically revise it to see how you're tracking. Putting together a career plan normally involves: