Have well connected with good friends! Develop honest friendship!
Be honest! Dos - Suggestions Do analyse and understand difference between right and wrong! Please discuss
with parents! If any friend does wrong thing, talk non-sense inform to parents and teacher! Decide as per event to wear chappal or sandals or shoes! Wear shoes-socks in school and functions! Do exercise everyday! Do meditation on daily basis! It helps to be healthy and keep peaceful mind. Keep the things lightly but take those seriously! Accompany parents to banks, post office, and grocery shop! Plan periodic enjoyment! Be self motivator! Motivate others also! Spread positive energy and thoughts! Your thoughts are your actions! Forgive those made mistakes or do mischief! Only strong can forgive! Follow role models! Great persons have great attributes to follow! Do inform to parents and teachers if you see wrong electrical connection, shock or fire or anything wrong
Do inform parents and family members if you are going to be late Food
Eat healthy food, drink milk, avoid tea-coffee, eat almond, drink lemon+honey
using warm water Activities
Do learn cycling, swimming
Do play out-door games like badminton, kho-kho, cricket, etc Manners
Do brush in morning and at night before going to sleep! Keep yourself clean! Bath everyday! Wear clean dress! Do cut the nails periodically, every week! Do pray one time either morning or evening, express gratitude for all you have good life! Do say sorry if you have made mistake Do thank to those helping! Clean your hands before eating! Prepare your bed yourself! Be on your own! Be punctual, follow time exactly! Follow traffic rule Keep society clean Cultivate listening completely to the person who wants to say something to you! Listen carefully! Think about 3 H-health, Hobby and habits! Cultivate at least one hobby Learn decision making procedure (see slide below) Learn phone / email communication manners! Say hello, understand or say the context, what is the objective, or you want to achieve, conclude