known to the teachers. Thus it is suggested that teachers to prepare the base data and handover to the students. Also following tables to be prepared using Microsoft product - Excel.
How to understand volume of study
Now a day there is a flood of study material like text books, guides from various publications, notes given by tuition classes, etc. It is important to understand the volume of study and to calculate how much average time would be needed to study entire syllabus in planned manner.
Let us try to calculate total volume of study and on an average how much time would be required. Assume that
• Average time required to study a page in hours = 15 minutes (0.25 hours)
• Average time required to solve a problem in hours = 12 minutes (0.2 hours)
Sample table indicating how to calculate time required for study & problem solving* # Subject No. of Pages
No. of problems
Hrs required for pages
Guide Book Tuition Total
200 620
180 560
1 Math-I 180 240 2 Math- II 160 220 3 Phy-1
4 Phy-II
1 Jun to Nov
2 Dec to Feb
Guide Book Tuition Total 300 200 250 750 260 180 190 630
Prepare a table listing the subjects, no of pages & problems in each book like text book, guide, tution note, etc. Add up no of pages and problems and multiply by unit time. Thus you will get no of hours needed to study the total pages and to solve the problems per subject. Sum up the time needed for studying all the subjects to know the entire time requirement.
* - Please note that above is sample calculation. Each student needs to fill-in the complete details and determine total time required for study & problem solving. It depends on his or her aptitude, knowledge and subject complexity & varies from student to student.
Days with college
Hrs required Total hrs for problem required
How to calculate availability of time for the student
It is good to know for the teachers and student how many hours are available for studying at home for the entire duration of the academic year. Let us assume
• No of hours available for self study when school is there - 8 hours per day
• No of hours available for self study when school/ college has holiday - 14 hours per day
129 4
Total hours required for study and problem solving in Hours
Availability of the total hours available for student in a year for self study
Availability of the total hours for study
Days during Total holidays
days 180
Hours during Hours during Total Hours college days 1,029 32