Book Title: Some Topics in the Development of OIA MIA NIA
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 106
________________ The expression sarāṇī saroli-vva is paraphrased by the gloss on the Mahāpurāņa as ‘smarasyeyam bāṇapaṁktiriva." Here -āņi (f.) is found with sara morāṇau (dir. sing. n.). 'belonging to the peacock, peacock's. morāṇau (dir. sing. n.), 'belonging to me, my' (A.C. 956-65). See the 'Mahapurāṇa' passage cited earlier in this paper. Here -āṇa(y)a- is found with the substantive mora- and the possessive adjective mora-. With the latter compare tujjhāṇaū (1) and amhāṇau (10). 6-7. 8. 9. 97 kusumāņiya (dir. sing. f.), 'made of flowers, flowery' (tentatively c. A.D. 1000). jai vāsa-sayam govāliyā, kusumāṇiya baṁdhai māliyā // tā kim sahāva-ghiya-gandhiyā, kusumehim hoi sugamdhiya / (Nanditaḍhya's 'Gāthālakṣāṇa', v. 67) 'If a cowherdess wears flower-garlands even for one hundred years, can she, with her innate smell of ghee, be perfumed by means of flowers ?' Here -āṇa(y)a- is found in its feminine form (-āṇiya) attached to the base kusuma lukkāṇau(dir. sing. N.) 'of this world, secular, worldly' (first half of the 12th century). bhanai 'jiņāgamu sahu vakkhāṇau / tam-pi viyārami jam lukkāṇau // (Jinadattasūri's 'Upadeśarasāyaṇarāsa', 2 v. 17cd) '[The pseudo-priest] declares: I can expound the entire Jaina canon; even the worldly (sciences) are within the purview of my thought'. The expression lukkāṇaũ in the above citation is explained by the commentator Jinapala (c. A.D. 1236) as laukikam śrutismrti purāṇādikaṁ śāstraṁ. Lukkāṇau is therefore to be analysed as lukka- (< Sk. loka-) + āṇa-. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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