The action is performed involuntarily, non-deliberately, unintentionally, helplessly or under compulsion. The action is wished to be performed. The action is performed for one's self of for others. The action can be or cannot be performed (i.e, ability or inability of performing the action). The action is permitted or allowed to be performed. This list is not exhaustive and the characterization of the shade of meaning has a degree of impercision. Below I give a list of Gujarati verbs, not quite exhaustive, which combined with either a noun/adjective (i.e. as conjunct verbs) or with another non-finite verbal form (i.e. as compound verbs) are used to express the above-outlined set of meanings. They are used mostly in their secondary (metaphorical) meanings. These phrases, belong to the class of established usage (rūdha) or idiomatic expressions. The gloss indicates the primary meaning of the verb. hovù “to be', thavũ ‘to become'. āvvu'to come : javũ 'to go' utarvũ ‘to climb down, descend' : cadbu'to climb' cadva 'to climb' : padvũ 'to fall' nika! vũ ‘to go out': kādhvũ ‘to take out, to draw out, to drive
out'. levũ ‘to take': devūāpvũ ‘to give'. marvũ 'to die' : mārvũ 'to kill'. nākhvũ ‘to throw', 'to place in', 'to put' : răkhvũ 'to keep'. lāgvū‘to be attached to', 'to be given to': māạvũ'to arrange', 'to undertake’. bhāgvū‘to run away'. rahevũ 'to stay'. rākhvĩ 'to keep', mokalvũ 'to send', jovữdekhvũ 'to see'. karvũ 'to do'. khāvũ 'to eat'. vaļ vữvāļvũ ‘to turn', 'to fend'. baļ vũ “to burn : cūkvũ 'to complete'.
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