70. A boat rushes swiftly along the strong current of the water of the ocean, O Gautama! you have mounted that boat; How will you reach the other boundary of the ocean?
जा उ अस्साविणी नावा न सा पारस्स गामिणी । जा निरस्साविणी नावा सा उ पारस्स गामिणी ॥ ७१ ॥
Jā u assāviņi nāvā na sā pārassa gāmiņi ; Jā nirassāviņi nāvā să u pārassa gāmiņi.
71. The boat which accumulates water is not the one reaching the other boundary; the boat which does not allow water to enter it, however, is the one reaching the other boundary.
नाषा य इइ के कुत्ते केसी गोयममन्बची। केसिमेवं बुवंतं तु, गोयमो इणमब्बी ॥ ७२ ॥
72. Nāvā ya u ké vutté Kési Goyamamabbavi ;
Késīmévam buvantam tu Goyamo iŋamabbavī. 72. Sramana Kesl Kumāra asked Ganadhara Maharaja Indrabhūti Gautama “ Which boat did you say? When Kési Kumāra asked him in this way, Ganadhara Gautama replied thus:--
सरीरमाहु नाव चि जीवो वुच्चइ नाविओ। संसारो अण्णवो वुत्तो, जं तरंति महेसिणो ॥ ७३ ॥
73. Sariramāhu nāva tti, Jivo vuccai nāvio ;
Samsāro annavo vutto jam taranti mahésiņo.
73. The body is the boat ; the Soul is the boat-man; Samsāra gait Worldly existence-is the ocean; Great sages pass through it.
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