Eighth day 2 Fourteenth day, and I fifth day of the bright halt of the month, thus making a total of five fasts during one month.
29 A Sadhu should not start on his vihāra (travels to varinus towns and villages) on the Eighth day and Fourteenth day of the fortnight.
30 During the Nivî Vrata, a Sadhu should not use more than one Nisiyati Vigayas (milk, curds, ghee etc )
31. A Sådhu should not keep any other ascetic of any of the eighty-four Cacchas (then existing) with him without the permission of his elders
32 A Sadhu should not promulgate a New Doctrine without the permission of his Guru Maharaja.
33. One should not think of living in a new house
34 A Sadhn should not use a new cloth (with Conjee attached to it) without washing it.
57. Śri Vijaya Dana Súri Birth V. S. 1553 Initiation V. S. 1562 : Sūri V. S. 1587: Demise V S. 1622 : Total life-time · 09 Years.
Śri Vijaya Dana Sūri was born in a village called Jāmala iti V.S. 1553; and in 1562, at the tender age of only nine years he took to ascetic life.
For a true saint, it was a very cirtical time. Separation prevailed. On account of various sects different from one another, slackness seemed increasing day by day. Śri Anandavimala Sūri was not able to get the required support for the great task of Kriyoddhara. As his disciple Vijaya Dāna Sûri proved very helpful and capable in the affair, he appointed him as his successor.
And even after the demise of his preceptor, Śri Vijaya Danacontinued the task. He left no stone unturned for ridding the mutual rancour of the different sects. For the laudable motive
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