Within a very short time, Śri Vijayaséna Sari impressed nicely upon the king The anti-Jaina elements, however, could not tolerate all this. and they were busy contriving tricks to sub vert the Sûris prestige and glory.
They told the Emperor that the Jainas did not at all believe in God! As a result, was arranged a debate between the two parties, and the opponents were dimmed by the irrefutable rea sonings, arguments and scriptural evidences advanced by the Sūri, Pleased at this, the Emperor bestowed upon him the title of Suri savai 4
The cause of non-violence was exhanced also by Vijayaséna Sūri, who succeeded in getting prohibited injury to the cow, the ox, the buffalo, and such other mute animals, as also acceptance of the wealth of a barren woman.
Śri Hiravjaya Suri, on the other hand, impressed much on the Emperor's Governors like Maharão Suratrāņa, Sultan Habibullah, Azam Khăn, Kâsim Khän, Sultan Murad, some of whom went even to the extent of frank discussions with the holy one on several subjects related to Dharma The Sūriji, in his turn, used to explain to them distinctly the real state of things and the made them perform several religious tasks ensuing from kind attitude towards all sorts of creatures and such other virtues
The preceptor was, at the same time, not at all careless about the monks that constituted the chief limb of the Faith, Quite conscious of the responsibilities that he had to shoulder as the leader of the sect, he established with great efforts, the validity of idol-worship, so that the followers of Loņkâ cast off their false doctrine and returned to the fold of idol-worshippers. The Sage Méghaji of Lonhã sect along with thirty monks, acce pted the religious tenets of the Tapagaccha in V S 1628 which oceasion was highly celebrated in Ahmedabad This Meghaji Rai was hence called Udyotavijaya,
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