2-3. The life of people vanishes like the water of clouds; wealth is fickle like lightning and the whiteness of fleeting clouds, therefore, judicious persons unsteady with regard to term of life, wealth, and body, should always accept the more stable रत्नत्रय Ratna-traya. The three jewels-viz Y CIA Samyag Jñana, Right Knowledge Samyag Darśnna Right Preception and if Samyag Caritra-Right Conduct.
v að¶xq#qs4-geumnaiymfqft: 1
सहाय्यं ज्ञानिनां तन्वन् ज्ञानमाराधयेद्गृही ॥ ४ ॥
4. Tatropaśraya-bhaishajya-pustakānnānśukadibhih; Sahāyyam, jñāninām tanvan jnāmārādhayédgrihi.
4. A house-holder rendering assistance to persons with higher knowledge, by the giving of 1 Upāśraya, Place of Refuge, Bhaiṣajya, Medicines, gea Pustaka-Books iz Ansūka, clothes, etc, adores Jñāna,-Knowledge.
५ संघवात्सल्य जैनेश वेश्मयात्रार्चनादिभिः ।
प्रभोः प्रभावयंस्तीर्थ, सम्यग् सम्यक्त्वमर्जयेत् ॥ ५ ॥
5. Sanghavätsalya Jainéśavéśmayātrā-r-canādibhih; Prabhoh prabhavayan stirtham samyag samyaktvamarjayét. ६ मक्त्या चारित्रपात्रेषु तथा ऽऽवश्यककर्म्मभिः ।
तपोभिरपि चारित्रं, गृहमेधी समेधयेत् ॥ ६॥
6. Bhaktyă căritrapātréșu tathā āvasyaka-karmabhiḥ; Tapobhirapi, caritram griha-médhi samédhayèt.
5-6. A house-holder, adoring the Sacred Places of the Jinesvara to which pilgrimages are made for expiation of sins, by love for community, temples of Jinéśvaras, pilgrimage, and worship, rightly acquires a Samyaktva,-Right Belief. By devotion towards persons of virtuous character, by the
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