6 Mārā-lobha-ksudhā!asya bahvārādicestitain;
Tiryagonèh sami, pattim khyāpayātmanan pumăn 6
6. A man having deceit, avarice, insatiate hunger, Idleness and gorma:dising tendencies, establishes his coming from the class of a lower animal
७ सरागः स्वजनद्वेषी दुर्भाषो मूर्खसंगकृत् ।
शास्ति स्वस्य गताऽऽयातं नरो नरकवर्त्मनि ॥ ७ ॥ 7 Sarāgaḥ svaja advėşi durbhăz o mürkhasangakrit; Šāsti svasya gutāyātam naro warakavartmani. 7
7. A man who is passionate, who cuvies his relatives, who uses filthy language, and who associates himself with foolish persons--( that man) indicates his departure to hellish regions (in his next life), and his coming from it also.
E sadf afegit unit for: #5-2017
वामा वामेऽतिनिन्धः स्यादिगन्यत्वे तु मध्यमः ॥ ८॥ 8 Āvarto dakşiņé bhāgé dakṣiṇaḥ śubhakrinnrinām;
Vāmo vāmé'tinindyaḥ syāddiganyatvé iu madhyamaḥ 8.
8 A right circle on the right side of the body is indicative of good results; a left circle on the left side is indicative of censurable results; while a circle in any other locality is indicative of mediocre results.
• अरेखं बहुरेखं वा येषाम् पाणितलं नृणाम् ।
ते स्युरल्पायुषो निःस्वा, दुःखिता नाऽत्र संशयः ॥ ९ ॥ 9 Arékbam bahüresham va yesām paņi-talam nripäm;
Té syuralp&yuso niņsvā duḥkhitā nātra gambayaḥ. 9.
9 'Those persons, whose palms of hands contain no llues or many lines, are short-lived, poor, and unhappy. There is no doubt in this
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