Indrānis of Saudharma and Iśāna déva-loka Indrānis of Asura Kumāra déva-loka
Indrānis of Naga Kumāra déva-loka Indrānis of Jyotisk dévas
Indrānis of Vyantara dévas
3 Pārṣadyāḥ (members of councils) 4 Loka-pāla
7 Generals of troops
Atmarakṣaka (Body-guards) Miscellaneous gods
The calculation for the number of abhiṣékas ( ablutions) is as follows:
A. For 1000 pots, each of the eight varieties 1000x$=8000 Each of these is repeated eight times 6000×8-64000 Each of these is again repeated 250 times
Jain Education International
B. For 8000 pots each of the eight varieties 8000x8-64000 Each of these is repeated 250 times, 64000x250-16000000]
Besides this, Acyuténdra ordered to be brought by servant -gods, gold pitchers, mirrors, baskets of gems, auspicious jugs, dishes, plates, metallic flat baskets for flowers, and other artic-les for worship one thousand and eight sach of eight varieties, like the pots; fragrant clay and water of Magadha and other sacred places; lotuses from Ganges and other rivers, water from Padmadraba and other lakes, white mustard flowers perfumes and other medicinal plants from Kṣulla-bimavat Varṣadhara, Vaitāḍhya, Vijaya Vaksaskara, and other muntains
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बभ्रुः । संसारौघं वरीतुं द्राग्, धृतकुम्भा इष स्फुटम् ॥ २८ ॥ fazca za wag, faqat ar faŭ you! कलशं स्थापयन्तो वा धर्मचेत्ये सुरा बभुः ॥ २९ ॥