People of those countries also, on beholding him with the signs previously seen by them, began to say. There comes Mankba! In this way, by the false notion spread by Markha, this man. khali caine to be known as Mankha.
One day wandering from one place to another Markhali went to Saravana Sanniveśa and took his lodging in the cow-pen of a Brāhmaṇa named Go-bahula. While living there, Subhadrā give birth to a male child. At an appropriate time the child was named Gośāla confirmably to fuudamental qualities possessed by bimn Growing up, in course of time, Gośāla attained youth. by lature he was ill-behaved, and he did numerous misdeeds. He was disobedient and he bore enmity towards one who gave him good advice. Besides, he had a momentary straight-forwardness when he was respected or given gifts, but soon afterwards he immediately showed deceitfulness like the tail of a dog. There was none who did not have suspicion towards him, on knowing him as one talking with deceitful words wounding mortally like a demon, without any osuitable ccasion.
One day his mother reproachingly told him :- 0 wicked man ! I nourished you in my womb for nine months and guarded you in various ways, but you never act in accordance with my advice although I have been instructing you in numerous ways. Gośāla immediately replied :- Mother ! you enter my belly, and I will keep you there for double that period of time.' Besides, that vile man did not take his meals with taste on a day that he did not pick up & quarrel with his father. The creator must bave created bim from all evil objects, b:cause there was none else in the entire world who can equal him. He had mad people so averse that he became the only chief illustration among ill - bebaved individuals. In this way, even during the early stages of his life, he proved terrible almost by sight amongst people by behaving like a poison tree or like a snake emitting venomous poison from his eyes. One day after a fierce quarrel with his father, and wandering alone with such a painting on a drawing - board, he accidentally came to the Cow-pen in which śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira was standing
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