History of Camarendra
There was a small town named Bibhéla, located on the burface ground near the great mountain named Vindhyā, where big elephants are luatlly eating tbe abundant foliage of grapecreepers, where the course of the chariot of the Sun is hindered by the heights of its elevated peaks, and where all the directions appear beautiful by the surrounding excellent forest territories. There lived a great merchant named Pūraņa. He was very wealdhy and was endowed with mercy, straight-forwardness, purity of heart, and other virtuous qualities. Being respicted by his family-members, a favourite of the king, pleasing to be public, and being the heart of righteous persons, he passed his day& in a way that was not in any way contrary to his interest in this, as well as, the next world.
One day, while lying on his couch during the latter portion of the night and with his eyes wide awake through sleeplesbress, he thought:— "Ah! I have really given alme to deserving persons and have practised ansterities during my pre vious lives, and, therefore, I have accomplished all my cherished wishes. I have an increase of respect from the King, and an increase of wealth, merchandise, treasure and family circle of sons, daughters etc. every way. Unfavourable persons become favourable simply by looking at them, and all my misfortunes disappear even without warding them off. So long as there is an existence of even a small remnaut of merit of previous lives, 80 long as an endeavour in the right direction is possible; long as I am espected by the people, I am not disabled by disease, and I am in possession of wealth as fickle as the clouds of the autumn; so long as my body is not weakened by bid age, and I have no separation from my belovea persons and so long as all my family-members are obedient to me, let me, therefore, apply myself strenuously in the observarıce of my religious duties as they are conducive to the attaininent of real happiness in future lives. An action does not originate without its cause. Besides, some are born to rule over others, and some are born
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