११०. समणे भगवं महावीरे दक्खे दक्खपइन्ने पडिरूके आलीणे भद्दए विणीए नाए नायपुत्ते नायकुलचन्दे विदेहे विदेह दिन्ने विदेहजचे विदेहमूकुमाले तीसं बासाई विदेहंसि कट्ठ अम्मापिऊहिं देवत्तगएहिं गुरुमहत्तरएहिं अब्भणुण्णाए सम्मत्तपइन्ने-पुणरवि कोयंतेहिं जीयकप्पिएहिं देवेहि ताहि इहाहि जाव वग्गूहि अणवरयं अभिनन्दमाणा य अभिथुबमाणा य i are 1880ll
110. Samaņé Bhagavam Mabāvîsé dakkhé dakkhapainné padirūvé āliņé bhaddhaé viņié nãé Nāyaputté Nāya-kula candé Vidéhé Vidéhadinné, Vidébajaccé, Vidébasūkumālé tîsam vāsāim Vidébamsi kattu ammāpiūbim dévattagaéhim guru-mabattaraéhm abbhaņuņņãé sammattāpainné-puñaravi Loyantéhim Jiyakappiehim dévéhlm tābim itthăbim jāva vaggūhim anavarayam abhinanda · māņā ya abhithuvvumānā ya eyam vayāsi. 11.
110. Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahăvira was clever (in all arts and sciences ), competent in keeping his promises, extremely beautiful, adorned with all virtuons qualities, sincere, modest, famous, son of Jñātri Ksatriyas, the Moon of the clan of the Jñātris, possessing excellent body-constitution, son of Vidéhadatlā, born of Vidéhadalla, ( Trišalā ), very delicate as a house-- holder (but very firm in enduring hardships during ascetic life ) and he led the life of a house-holder for thirty years. When his parents went to the world of the gods (i. e, died) and when with the permission of Nandivardhana and other elderly members of the family ), he had fulfilled the promise (the firm determination of not renouncing the world during the le-time of his parents that he had made in his mother's womb.)
[ After the lapse of a few years, Yasodā became pregnant and in course of time she gave birth to a girl whose soles of feet and palms of hands were tender, whose limbs were lovely with exquisite beauty, and who was actually the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. At an appropriate time, she was named Priyadarśanā. The girl grew up with careful fondling and she was married with Jamāli by king Nandivardhana after the Dikşā of śramaga Bhagavān Mabāvira.]
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