पर्वतायुर्भवेत्युक्त्वा-ऽऽस्फालयन्त्योऽश्मगोलको । जन्मस्थाने च तौ नीत्वा स्वस्वदिक्षु स्थिता जगुः ॥१८॥
13. Rucaka dipato'bhéyu-scatasro dikkumarikāh,
Rūpā Rūpāsikā cāpi Surūpa Rupakāvatî. 14. Caturangulato nālam chittvā khătodare'ksipan;
Samāpūrya ca vaiduryal-stasyorddhvam pithmādadhuḥ 16. Baddhvă tad dūrvayā janma-géhā drambhā-grihatrayam;
Tāḥ pūrvasyam dakṣiṇasyamuttarasyām vyadhustataḥ; 16. Yåmya-rambhāgribé nîtvā’bhyangam tónustu tāstayoḥ;
Snäna-marcānsukā lankārādi pūrva-gribe tatah; 17. Uttaré'ragikāşthābhya-mutpādhya'gnim sucandanaiḥ.
Homam kritvā babandhustā, raksāpottallkām dvayoḥ. 18. Parvatäyu-r-bhavétyukivā'asphālayantyo'ómagolakau;
Janma-sthāné ca tau nitvā svasya dikşu sthitā jagub.
13. From Kucaka-dvîpa came four goddesses of directione olz 1. Rūpā 2 Rūpāsikā 3 Surūpā and 4 Rūpakāvati
14. Having cut the umbilical cord ( so as to leave behind a piece of four fingers breadth), they placed it in the hollow of the pit; and having completel: filled it with Valdūrya gems, they prepared a pedestal over it.
15. Having tied them with Durvă grass, they, then, made three arbours of trunks of plantain trees-one in the East,-one in the South, and one in the North of the house of birth.
16. Having led them both to the southern arbour, they anointed them both the Arhanta Bhagavān and His mother) with oil, and then they did the ablution, besmearing (with sandal paste), puting on clothes, ornaments, etc. in the Eastern arbour.
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