17. Having created fire from the suel of Arnika wood ( tinder-sticks) and having produced sacrificial fire with excellent sandal wood, they tied a small packet of the ash (to the arms of both ) as a preservative (against demons, evil spirits etc.)
18. Having led both of them to the place of birth, and remaining in their individual directions, and having said " Terater Parvatäyu-r-bhava," "You become as long lived as a mountain," they dashed two balls of precious stone against each other. (POT) Erfarat etti gratinadyat: 1
महत्तारामिः प्रत्येकं, तथा चतसृभिर्युताः ॥ १९ ॥
FEN: alsafa, eget af AFTET कटकेस्तदधीशैश्च मुरैश्वान्यैर्महर्दिभिः ॥२०॥
19. (Etasca) Sămānikánām praiyékam catvārimsacchiatal-r-yutaḥ
Mabatlarābhiḥ pratyékam, tatbă catasrubhai-r-yută 20. Anga-rakşaiḥ şodas abhių sahasraiḥ saptabhistathā;
Katakai stadadhisaisca suraiścânyai--r-mahadriddhibhiḥ,
19. (And these) Each of these Dig-kumāris bad a retinue of under-mentioned ordinary goddesses. a. Såmånika goddesses.
4000 b Mahattară (elderly) c Body-guards
16000 d. Seven kinds of armies and their seven leaders,
e. Other gods possessing much affluence.
These goddesses go there in celestial cars, of one yojana dimensions, prepared by Abhiyogika gods.
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