FTEST and Fālguna freya (the months of February and March ) an acid beverage is as nutritious as nectar; during the Vasanta Ritu TRT the months of Caltra parte aud Vrisakha aura i the months of April and May) clarified butter is as nutriti. ous as nectar; and during Grişma Ritu A# the months of Jaiştba ug and Āşādba ITE ( the months of June and July Guda Ts molasses is as-nutritious as nectar.
para-toe-76-79-4TFAHT Vaya gaya roga-soga-moha-bhaya-parissamă.
(Trisalã ksatriyāņî) who was free from digease--sorrowfainting-fear-and fatigue
It is said in the standard medical work named Suśruta
“ The foetus become lazy, if a pregnant woman sleeps during day-time, it becomes blind if she freely uses collyrium for her eyes; it becomes short-sighted if she weeps much; it becomes ill-behaved if she bathes often; and if she anoints her body with oils, it becomes leprous; it becomes affected with diseased nails, if she cut her nails very often, and it becomes very unsteady if she runs often. The teeth, lips, palate and tongue of the foetus become black if she laughs much; it becomes gerrulous by talking unnecessarily, it becomes deal if she bears loud sounds; it becomes baldheaded if she writes much, and the foetus becomes delirious if she uses the fan very often,"
Trisalā kşatriyāni did not make use of any occupation Involving danger to the life of the foetus.
Old fepaales of the family, also advised her as follows—
मन्दं सश्वर, मन्दमेव निगद, व्यामुश्च कोपक्रम पथ्यं मुरूव, पधान नीविमनयां मा माहासं कथा ।
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