suhumehim ditthi-sanchälehim. (2) Evamäiehim ägärehim, a-bhaggo a-virähio,
Hujja me käussaggo. (3) Jäva arihantänam bhagavantänam,
Namukkärenam na päremi. (4) Täva käyam thänenam monenam jhänenam,
Appänam vosirämi. (5)
I shall now engross myself in meditation in a completely motionless yoga posture (Käyotsarga) for a specified duration. I will remain motionless except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, involuntarily losing balance, vomiting, fainting, subtle flickering movements of the eyes and other involuntary bodily movements. I shall perform meditation and keep myself (my soul) away from all sinful activities by keeping my body motionless and by observing complete silence. At the conclusion of meditation, I will complete the Käyotsarga by offering salutation to Arihants.
(શ્રુતની અધિષ્ઠાયિકા શ્રુતદેવી સરસ્વતીને કાઉસ્સગ્ગ) (એક નવકારનો કાઉસ્સગ્ન કરી ‘નમોહત” કહી નીચેની સ્તુતિ કહેવી)
પંચ પરમેષ્ઠિને નમસ્કાર Namo Arihantānam. Namo Siddhānam. Namo Ayariyānam. Namo Uvajjhāyānam.
Namo loe savva-Sāhunam. Eso pancha-namukkāro, Savva-pāva-ppanāsano; Mangalānam cha savvesim, Padhamam havai mangalam. (1)
I bow to the Arihantas (Tirthankars), I bow to the Siddhas or liberated souls, I bow to the Acharyas, who head the order, I bow to the Upadhyays, who are the religious scholars and guides of the scriptures. I bow to all ascetics who strictly follow the five great vows of conduct and inspire us to live a simple