I am bowing down to Arihant Bhagawān, Siddha Bhagawān, Ächārya Mahārāj, Upadhyāy Mahārāj, and all Sādhu and Sadhvi Mahārāj. (1)
જે ક્ષેત્રને આશ્રયીને મુનિ મહારાજા સંયમ સાધના કરતા હોય,
તે ક્ષેત્ર દેવતા સુખ આપનારા થાઓ તેવી પ્રાર્થના. Yasyäha ksetram samäsritya, sädhubhihi sädhyate kriyä. Sä ksetra-devatä nityam, bhuyännah sukha-däyini. (1)
May the goddess of the region always bestow happiness upon us in whose area sadhus and sädhvis on the path of salvation are performing religious rites. (1)
પંચ પરમેષ્ઠિને નમસ્કાર Namo Arihantānam. Namo Siddhānam. Namo Ayariyānam. Namo Uvajjhāyānam.
Namo loe savva-Sāhunam. Eso pancha-namukkāro, Savva-pāva-ppanāsano; Mangalānam cha savvesim, Padhamam havai mangalam. (1)
I bow to the Arihantas (Tirthankars), I bow to the Siddhas or liberated souls, I bow to the Acharyas, who head the order, I bow to the Upadhyays, who are the religious scholars and guides of the scriptures. I bow to all ascetics who strictly follow the five great vows of conduct and inspire us to live a simple life. True bowing to these five types of great souls, help remove all sins and create auspiciousness of the most supreme ovder.
6th aavashyak ni muhapatti padilehu?
મુહપત્તી પડિલેહણના ૨૫ બોલ
25 bols of muhapatti 1- Sutra Artha Tattva kari sadahu;