The doctrine of Buddha has been included among those false beliefs which are the products of wrong knowledge. 94
VII. MINOR SCHOOLS A school of philosophers thought that ajīva performed sammattakiriyam (samyaktvakriyā) right conduct and micchattakiriyam (mithyātvakriyā) wrong conduct at the same time, i.e., while it performed right conduct at the same time it performed wrong conduct also, and while it performed wrong conduct it performed also right conduct at the same time.95 Malayagiri, the commentator, says that it is the doctrine of Caraka. Gunaratna says that Caraka represented a school of Sămkhya.96
Another view held by some was to the effect that there was no harm in enjoying the pleasures of the senses for it gave relief to the enjoyer without causing harm to any one else, just as the squeezing of a blister or boil gave relief and has no dangerous consequences. A ram drinks the quiet water which gives it relief. If this harmed the ram we could have said that the act was harmful but as it did not there is surely no harm in it."97 In the identification of the upholder of this view. Harşakula has the same doubts which he had with regard to Sātavādins mentioned above.
According to another school it is not only the soul which does not exist but nothing exists. Everything is mere appearance, a mirage, an illusion, a dream or phantasy. There rises no sun nor does it set; there waxes no moon nor does it wane; there are no rivers running nor any wind blowing; the whole world is unreal.98 The Mādhyamika
94. Anu. 40; Nandi 42 95. Jivā S. 3. 104. 96. Tarkarahasyadtpika, a commentary on şaddarsana
samuccaya, p. 31. 97. Sat.S. I.üi. 4.10-12. 98. Sat.S. I.xü.7.