Book Title: Mallikamakarandanatakam
Author(s): Ramchandra Mahakavi, Punyavijay
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 133
________________ 88 Mallika-Makaranda सः पञ्चेषुर्मदनः स एव पावकोऽग्निः अङ्गेषु न ज्वलति' नाविर्भवति । न संतापयतीत्यर्थः । तावदिति संबन्धः । तदनन्तरं को वा महत्त्वादिगुणविशिष्ट इति भावः । 'अरविन्दमशोकं च चूतं च नवमल्लिका । नीलोत्पलं च पञ्चते पञ्चबाणस्य सायकाः' इत्यमरः । अत्र मदने अमित्वरूपणादेकदेशवर्ति रूपकम् । अनुष्टुप् ॥ V. 16 Our salutation to the path of final beatitude where even mentioning the name of pretty women incurs the greatest stigma. Let us not think of it. But in the course of worldly life excepting pretty women we do not find any other source of pure happiness. परमधार्मिकप्रकाण्डम् -'प्रकाण्डम्' at the end of a compound it denotes anything excellent of its kind : 'मतल्लिका मचर्चिका प्रकाण्डमुद्धतल्लजौ प्रशस्तवाचकान्यमूनि' इत्यमरः । The Sid. Kau. says : "प्रशंसावचनैश्च" (पाणिनि। २।१।६६)...... गा-मतल्लिका । गोमचर्चिक। । गोप्रकाण्डम् । गवोद्धः । गोतल्लजः । प्रशस्ता गौरित्यर्थः ।" These five words (मतल्लिका etc.), all of which denote excellence, retain their own gender invariably;as प्रशस्तः महावीरः महावीरप्रकाण्डम् । दरोदर -Who squanderd (lit exiled, banished) paternal wealth by gambling. जठरपिठर° Even in feeding the belly. (lit. the pot of belly) 'पोटाची खळगी' in Mar. In Bhartrhari's Vairagya-sataka (V. No. 22) we find the last quarter containing the expression जठरपिठरी (जठरपिठरी दूष्पूरेयं करोति विडम्बनाम् ।) Possibly this expression Rāmacandra might have adopted from Bhart परमुखप्रेक्षः 'Looking , at another's face', i.e. depending (entirely) on another. V. 17 The four vilest or meanest things created by God Brahman are : 1 the vices of the good people, 2 the hard-hearted nature of women, 3 the fickleness of wealth and 4 the meaness of kings. V. 18 It is a wonder (How strange it is) that even those persons who even for support of their life ever depend on others (lit. look up to the faces of others) continue to live, laugh aloud, and play (games or) amuse themselves. सेारोषम् with jealous anger. V. 19 Rāmacandra adopts this verse from Bhartshari's Śrågāras ataka (V. No. 57). It may be translated as follows :V. 19 What wise man can possibly find pleasure in loving a prostitute a woman who, with the mere hope of gaining a little money, sells her Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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