Book Title: Mallikamakarandanatakam
Author(s): Ramchandra Mahakavi, Punyavijay
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 161
________________ 116 ३ २७ २७ २९ ७ २० १८ २५ ૨૭ ४२ १२ ४८ २७ ६ ܙ २२ २५ २० २७ २९ १५ २५ ६२ ४२ ४६ जदपः जल्पितम् जात्यन्ध (a.) जार: जिनेश्वरः जीर्ण (a.) जीवितेश डम्बर तपनः Jain Education International तपस्विनी तपोविधिः तखारि (m.) तरी (f.) तस्कर: तापसत्रतम् तारस्वरम् तिरोदधामि तिरोधत्ते तिर्यगय लोकयन्ती तुन्दम् (n.) तूष्णी (भवति) तेजस्विन् (a ) त्रपा त्रयी दक्षिण (कलाची) दण्डप्रयोगः Mallika-Makaranda दन्त चूडाप्रवेश Talk, speech Born blind A thief, robber arg:(usually spelt as are:) An ornament for the ear, a large ear-ring A vow of an ascetic A paramour, gallant, lover An Arhat of the Jains, Lord Jina Old, worn out, decayed 1 A lover, husband 2 An epithet of yama Show, pomp ( तपतीति तपनः सूर्यः । नन्यादित्यायुप्रत्ययः ) The Sun ( तपस्विन् a poor miserable, helpless, pitiable) Poor wretched woman Mode of life of austerities A one-edged sword A boat ( तारस्वर a Having a loud or shrill sound) Loudly तिरस् (ind) ta/ धा To cenceal Looking obliquely The belly, a corpulent or protuberant belly तुष्णी (ind. ) + √ भू To remain silent The powerful, heroic, strong, haughty Shame (in a bad sense ) A triad Right fore-arm Use of punishment (open attack), the last of the four Expedients (Upāyas), Saman, conciliation or Negotiation 2 Danam Bribery 3 Bhedab, sowing dissensions and 4 Danda, Punishment -these are the four means of success against an enemy. See Note on p. 96 For Private & Personal Use Only


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