Lord Mahâvîra
Hurt, though ordained, is not a cause of merit; and a general rule has not a non-pertinent exception. School-Fellow of a desire to obtain sovereignty through the killing of one's own son is the wild flight of the opponents.
प्रपेदिरे ज्ञानमनात्मनिष्ठम् ॥
Awareness shines out actually able to reveal self and object; otherwise there is no talk of an object at all. Others from fear of others nevertheless Adopted a cognition not residing in the self.
स्वार्थाऽवबोधक्षम एवं बोध: प्रकाशते नार्थकथाऽन्यथा तु । परे परेभ्यो भयतस्तथाऽपि
माया सती चेद् द्वयतत्वसिद्धि
रथासती हन्त कुतः प्रपंच : ? मायैव चेदर्थसहा च तत्किं
माता च वन्ध्या च भवत्परेषाम् ॥
If Maya is existent, then establishment of reality as double; or if non-existent, pray, whence the world?
If Maya verily, and also capable of effect,
then have Your Worship's opponents one who is both mother and barren?
अनेकमेकात्मकमेव वाच्यं
द्वयात्मकं वाचकमप्यऽवश्यम् ।
अतोऽन्यथा वाचकवाच्यक्लृप्ताऽ वतावकानां प्रतिभाप्रमादः ॥
The denotant is plural, in essence verily one; the denotant also is necessarily in essence dual.
In otherwise herefrom supposing a denotant and denotad. there is, on the part of those who are not Thine, error of conception.