JAINA PSYCHOLOGY bodies--physical (audārika), transformable (vaikriya), projectable (āhāraka), electric (taijasa), and karmic; (kārmaņa); three parts -physical, transformable, and projectable (since electric and karmic bodies have no parts); fifteen bindings—(1) the binding of physical body with previous physical body, (2) with electric body, (3) with karmic body, (4) with electric and karmic bodies, (5) the binding of transformable body with previous transformable body, (6) with electric body, (7) with karmic body, (8) with both, (9) the binding of projectable body with previous projectable body, (10) with electric body, (11) with karmic body, (12) with both, (13) the binding of electric body with previous electric body, (14) with karmic body, and (15) the binding of karmic body with previous karmic bodyl; five scrapings—the scraping of the matter of physical body, of transformable body, of projectable body, of electric body, and of karmic body; six firmnesses of the joints of physical body-an excellent joining in which two bones are hooked into one another (vajra-rṣabha-nārāça-samhanana), a joining which is not so firm (rsabha-nārāca-samhanana), a joining which is still weaker (nārāca-samhanana), a joining which is on one side like the preceding one, while on the other the bones are simply pressed together and nailed (ardha-nārācă-samhanana), a weak joining in which the bones are merely pressed together and nailed (kilika-saṁhanana), and a weak joining in which the ends of the bones merely touch one another (sevārta-samhanana); six figures--the entire body to be symmetrical, the upper part of a body to be symmetrical and not the lower, the body below the navel to be symmetrical and above it unsymmetrical, the body to be hunch-backed, the body to be dwarf-like, and the entire body to be unsymmetrical; five colours (of the body etc.)--black, blue, red, yellow, and white; two odours -pleasant and unpleasant; five tastes—bitter, sour, acidic, sweet, and astringent; eight touches—soft, hard, light, heavy, cold, hot, smooth, and rough; four types of transmigrating force (ānu pärvi) corresponding to the four states of existence-celestial, human, animal-cum-plant, and hellish; two gaits-moving in a pleasant manner and moving in an ugly manner. The second group has eight
1 Certain types of bodies are not bound with one another. As for
instance, physical body has no binding with transformable body and vice versa. Hence, the bindings are only fifteen in number.