called emotions. Whether we call them instincts or emotions, essentially they are the same. We want to state only this much that in the Jaina system sex-drive is called emotion (quasi-passion).
Sex-drive is of three varieties corresponding to the three species of sex. They are male sex (purusa-veda), female sex (stri-veda). and dual sex (napumsaka-veda). The male sex and the female sex are not unfamiliar to us. Regarding the third sex, i.e., the dual sex the point to be noticed is that it should not be understood in the sense of impotency or frigidity, inasmuch as both impotency and frigidity are of the nature of negation, and hence, not positively real which is an essential condition of emotion. On the contrary, it is to be taken in the sense of two-fold desire directed towards the male and the female both. The subsequent lines will make it more clear. In this connection one more remark is to be added. The sexual desires should not be mistaken for the sexual organs. The desires relating to sex are mental, whereas the organs corresponding these desires are physical. To relate the same fact in the terminology of the doctrine of karma, sexual desire is the result of the rise of the conduct-deluding (cāritra-mohanīya) karma, whereas the sexual organs are formed on account of the rise of the physique-making (nāman) karma.
The drive through which the desire for courtship with the female is produced is called male-sex. The desire is produced in the same way as through the rise of phlegm the desire for something sour is generated. This drive is compared to a straw-fire. On the burning of straw the fire at once blazes and immediately after the burning it is extinguished, so also the male has a very strong urge at the outset but as soon as his desire is satisfied through the act of courtship it vanishes. Through the rise of the female-sex, the drive for union with the male is awakened. It is just like the desire for something sweet awakened through the rise of bile. It is compared to a dung-fire. As a burning dung-hill continues to glimmer as long as it is covered, but if it is given a proper and timely shaking it gradually grows into a brighter flame, just like that the sexual urge in the female is comparatively weak so long as she is not touched or kissed, but it goes on growing by and by through various stages of mating behaviour. The third sex is possessed by
1 Karma-grantha, I, 22; 24.