There are also a variety of stanzas, called Agams, Vánís, &c. composing a very formidable course of study to those who wish to go deep into the doctrine of this school, and one in which the greatest proficients amongst the Kabir Panthis are but imperfectly versed. A few Sákhis, Sabdas and Rekhtas, with the greater portion of the Bijak, constituting their acquirements: these, however, they commit to memory, and quote in argument with singular readiness and happiness of application; the Goshthis, or disputations of Kabir with those opposed to him, as GORAKHNÁTA, RÁNÁNAND, and even in spite of chronology with Mohammed himself, are not read till more advanced, whilst the Sukh Nidhán, which is the key to the whole, and which has the singularity of being quite clear and intelligible, is only imparted to those pupils whose studies are considered to approach perfection.
The author or compiler of the Bijak or Vijak, was
of the Propaganda, and is communicated by Monsignore MüNTER, Bishop of Zealand, in Denmark; an eminent Scholar, the author of a valuable work on the Sahidic Version of the N. T. &c. It is to be presumed, that it is intended to be a translation of some Kabíní work, but how correctly it deserves this character, may be questioned; much of the pluraseology of the sect is indeed closely followed, but the minute and ridiculous details of its cosmogony are, with very few exceptions, exceedingly different from those notions entertained by the followers of kabir, as explained in the Bijaks, or Sukh Nidhán. The extract published in the Mines, appears to be a portion, the second book, of some work thus described: “Il libro primario dei Cabiristi (Specie di riforma della gentilità,) si chiama Satnam Kabir: questo libro e fra le carte di Propaganda.”