according to your knowledge; fetch water for your own drinking, nor demand it from others and drink.
13. Why go about to offer water? there is abundance in every house: when man is really thirsty, he needs no solicitation, but will drink by force.
14. The goose (the world or life) sells pearls; a gold vessel is full of them; but with him who knows not their value, what can be done?
15. The goose abandons the lake, the body is withered and dry: Kabir has called aloud, here is a path, there is a resting place!
16. The goose abandons the lake, and lodges in a water jar. Kabir calls aloud, repair to your village, nor demolish your habitation.
17. The goose and the paddy-bird are of one colour, and frolic in the same pool: the goose extracts the milk from the water, and the paddy-bird drinks the mire.
18. Why comes the feeble doe to the green pool; numerous foes lie in wait for her; how should she escape?
19. The three worlds form a cage; vice and virtue spread a net; life is the prey; and time the fowler.
20. The half of a Sákhi is sufficiently arduous, if duly investigated; of what avail are the books of the Pandit, or incessant study?
21. Having combined the five elements, I found one offspring; now I ask the Pandit, whether life or the word be the greater.
22. Of the five elements, the body was formed: when the body was formed what was done? subservient to action, it is called life, but by action life is destroyed.
23. The offspring of the five elements is called Man; if one element be withdrawn, the whole compound is destroyed.
24. With the five elements is the abode of a great mystery; when the body is decomposed, has any one found it? the word of the teacher is the guide.
25. Colour proceeds from colour, yet behold all are but one: of what colour then is life? think well of this.