The Dandis, properly so called, and the Tridańdis of the Vaishnavas, are the only legitimate representatives of the fourth Asrama, or mendicant life, into which the Hindu, according to the instructions of his inspired legislators, is to enter, after passing through the previous stages of student, householder and hermit'. It is not necessary, however, to have gone through the whole of the previous career, as the Brahman may pass from any one of the first orders to the last at once; he is then to take up his staff and water-pot, to derive from begging such a portion of food as is sufficient for his mere sustenance, and to devote the remainder of his day to holy study and pious meditation3.
Thus MANU, 6, 33:
वनेषु तु विहृत्यैवं तृतीयं भागमायुषः । चतुर्थमायुषो भागं त्यक्त्वा सङ्गान्परिव्रजेत् ॥
Having thus performed religions acts in a forest during the third portion of his life, let him become a Sannyasi for the fourth portion of it, abandoning all sensual affection."
So MANU, as expounded by KULLUKA BRATTA, 6, 38: प्राजापत्यां निरूप्येष्टिं सर्ववेदसदक्षिणाम् । आत्मन्यग्नीन्समारोप्य ब्राह्मणः प्रव्रजेद्गृहात् ॥ ब्रह्मचर्यदेव प्रव्रजेद्गृहाद्वा वनाद्वा इति टीका ।
"Having performed the sacrifice of Prajapati, &c. a Brahman may proceed from his house, that is, from the second order, or he may proceed even from the first to the condition of a Sannyási. Indeed the intermediate stage of the lánaprastha is amongst the prohibited acts in the Kali age.
Agreeably to the high authority already quoted, 6, 41, 43: आगारादभिनिष्क्रान्तः पवित्रोपचितो मुनिः । समुपोढेषु कामेषु निरपेक्षः परिव्रजेत् ॥