Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 01
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., Justice in India. By X. B. E. Baillie, Esq.-XIII. The Mohammedan Law of Evidence in connection with the Administration of Justice to Foreigners. By N. B. E. Baillie, Esq.-XIV. A Translation of a Bactrian Páli Inseription. By Prof. J. Dowson.--XV. Indo-Parthian Coins By E. Thomas, Esq. Vol. V. In Two Parts. pp. 463, sewed. With 10 full-page and folding Plates. 1871-2. 188.6d. CONTENTS.-I. Two Jatakas. The original Páli Text, with an English Translation. By V. Fausböll.-11. On an Ancient Buddhist Inscription at Keu-yung kwan, in North China. By A. Wylie.--111. The Brhat Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Vara ha-Mihira Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern.-IV. The Pongol Festival in Southern India. By Charles E. Gover.-V. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Right Ilon. Lord Stanley of Alderley.-VI. Essay on the Creed and Customs of tbe Jangams. By Charles P. Brown.-VIl. On Malabar, Coromandel, Quilon, etc. By C. P. Brown.-VIII. On the Treatment of the Nexus in the Neo-Aryan Languages of India. By John Beames, B.C.S.IX. Some Remarks on the Great Tope at Sanchi. By the Rev. S. Beal.-X. Ancient Inscriptions from Mathura. Translated by Professov J. Dowson.--Note to the Mathura Inscriptions. By Major-General A. Cunningham.-X1. Specimen of a Translation of the Adi Granth. By Dr. Ernest Trumpp. XII. Notes on Dhammapada, with Special Reference to the Question of NirVâna. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-XIII. The Brhat-Sanlità; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. II. Kern.-XIV. On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathas. By the Mudliar L. Comrilla Vijasinha, Government Interpreter to the Ratnapura Court, Ceylon. With an Introduction by R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-XV. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley.-XVI. Proverbia Communia Syriaca. By Captain R. F. Burton. XVII. Notes on an Ancient Indian Vase, with an Account of the Engraving thereupon. By Charles Horne, M.R.A.S., late of the Bengal Civil Service-XVIII. The Bhar Tribe. By the Rev. M. A. Sherring, LL.D., Benares. Communicated by C. Hoone, M.R.A.S., late B.C.S.-XIX. Of Jihad in. Mohammedan Law, and its application to British India. By X. B. E, Baillie.-XX. Comments on Recent Peblvi Decipherinents. With an Incidental Sketen of the Derivation of Aryan Alphabets. And Contributions to the Early History and Geography of Tabaristán, illustrated by Coins. By E. Thomas, F.R.S. Vol. VI., Part 1, pp. 212, sewed, with two plates and a map. 1872. 8s. CONTENTS.-The Ishmaelites, and the Arabic Tribes who Conquered their country. By A. Sprenger.-A Brief Account of Four Arabic Works on the Ilistory and Geography of Arabia. By Captain S. B. Miles.--On the Methods of Disposing of the Dead at Llassa, Thibet, etc. By Charles Horne, late B.C.S. The Brlat-Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihira, Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. kern.- Notes on Hwen Thrang's Account of the Principalities of Tokharistán, in which some Previous Geographical Identifications are Reconsidered. By Colonel Yule, C.B.-Tlie Campaign of Ælius Gallus in Arabia. By A. Sprenger.-An Account of Jerusalem, Translated for the late Sir H. M. Elliott from the Persian Text of Násir ibn Khusru's Safanámab by the late Major A. R. Fuller.-The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley. Vol. VI., Part II., pp. 213 to 400 and lxxxiv., sewed. Illustrated with a Map, Plates, and Woodcuts. 1873. 8s. CONTENTS.- On Hionen-Thsang's Journey from Patna to Ballabhi. By James Fergusson, D.C.L., F.R.S.- Northern Buddhism. [Note from Colonel H. Yule, addressed to the Secretary.] -Ilwen Thsang's Account of the Principalities of Tokharistán, etc. By Colonel II. Yule, C.B.The Brhat-Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihira. "Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern.-The Initial Coinage of Bengal, under the Early Muhammadan Conquerors. Part II. Embracing the preliminary period between All. 611-634 (A.D. 1217-1236-7). By Edward Thomas, F.R.S.-The Legend of Dipankara Buddha. Translated from the Chinese (and intended to illustrate Plates XXIX, and L., Tree and Serpent Worship '). By S. Beal.-Note on Art. IX., antè pp. 213-274, on Hiouen-Thsang's Journey from Patna to Ballabhi. By James Fergusson D.C.L., F.R.S.-- Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. Vol. VU., Part I., pp. 170 and 24, sewed. With a plate. 1874, 88. CONTENTS.The Upasam pada-Kammarácá, being the Buddhist Manval of the Form and Manner of Ordering of Priests and Deacons. The Páli Text, with a Translation and Notes. By J. F. Dickson, B.A., sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, now of the Ceylon Civil Service.-Notes on the Megalithic Monuments of the Coimbatore District, Madras. By M. J. Walhouse, late Madras C.S.-Notes on the Sinhalese Language. No. I. On the Formation of the Plural of Neuter Nouns. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-The Pali Text of the Mahaparinibbana Sutta and Commentary, with a Translation. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service --The Brihat-Sanhita ; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern.-Note on the Valley of Choombi. By Dr. A. Campbell, late Superintendent of Darjeeling.--The Name of the Twelfth Imám on the Coinage of Egypt. By lI. Sauvaire and Stanley Lane Poole.--Three Inseriptions of Parakrama Babu the Great from Pulastipura, Ceylon (date circa 1180 A.D.). By T. W. Rhys Darids.--Of the Kharáj or Muhammadan Land Tax; its Application to British India, and Effect on the Tenure of Land. By N. B. E, Baillie.- Appendix: A Specimen of a Syriac Version of the Kalilah wa-Dimnah, with an English Translation. By W. Wright.


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