Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 01
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London
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ranged with reference to the Classical Languages of Europe, for the use of English Students, by MONIER WILLIAMS, M.A. 1877. Fourth Edition,
Revised. 8vo. cloth. 158. Williams.-A SYLLABIC DICTIONARY OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE,
arranged according to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the pronunciation of the Characters as heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. By S. WELLS
WILLIAMS. 4to. cloth, pp. Ixxxiv. and 1252. 1874. £5 58. Williams.-FIRST LESSONS IN TIIE MAORI LANGUAGE. With a Short
Vocabulary. By W. L. WILLIAMS, B.A. Fcap. Svo. pp. 98, cloth. 58. Williams.-- MODERN INDIA AND TIE INDIANS. Being a Series of
Impressions, Notes, and Essays. By MONIER WILLIAMS, D.C.L. Second
Edition. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. 244. 1878. 78. 6d. Wilson.- Works of the late HORACE HAYMAN WILSON, M.A., F.R.S.,
Member of the Royal Asiatic Societies of Calcutta and Paris, and of the Oriental
Soc. of Germany, etc., and Boden Prof. of Sanskrit in the University of Oxford. Vols I. and II. ESSAYS AND LECTORES chiefly on the Religion of the Hindus,
by the late H. H. WILSON, M.A., F.R.S., etc. Collected and edited by Dr.
REINHOLD Rost. 2 vols. cloth, pp. xiii. and 399, vi, and 416. 21s. Vols. III, IV. and V. Essays ANALYTICAL, CRITICAL, AND PHILOLOGICAL, ON
Dr. REINHOLD Rost. 3 vols. 8vo. pp. 408, 406, and 390, cloth. Price 36s. Vols. VI., VII., VIII, IX. and X., Part I. Vishnu Puráná, A System Of
HINDU MYTHOLOGY AND TRADITION. Vols. I. to V. Translated from the original Sanskrit, and Illustrated by Notes derived chiefly from other Puránás. By the late H. H. WILSON, Edited by FITZEDWARD HALL, M.A., D.C.L.,
Oxon. Svo., pp. cxl. and 200; 344; 344 ; 346, cloth. 21. 12s.6d. Vol. X., Part 2, containing the Index to, and completing the Vishnu Purana,
compiled by Fitzedward Hall. Svo. cloth. pp. 268. 128. Vols. XI. and XII. SELECT SPECIMENS OP THE THEATRE OF THE Hindus. Translated from the Original Sanskrit. By the late HORACE HAYMAX W11.son, M.A.,
F.R.S. 3rd corrected Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. Ixi. and 384 ; and iv. and 418, cl. 21s. Wilson.-SELECT SPECIMENS OF THE THEATRE OF THE HINDUS, Trans
lated from the Original Sanskrit. By the late HORACE HAYMAN WILSON, M.A., F.R.S. Third corrected edition. 2 vols. 8vo., pp. Isxi. and 384; iv. and 418, cloth. 21s.
CONTENTS. Vol. 1.-Preface--Treatise on the Dramatic System of the lindus-Dramas translated from the
Original Sanskrit -The Mrichchakati, or the Toy Cart-Vikram aand Urvasi, or the Jiero and the Nymph-Uttara Ránia Charitra, or continuation of the Iristory of
Ráma. Vol. II.-Dramas translated from the Original Sanskrit --- Maláti and Madhara, or the Stolen
Marriage-Mudrá Rakshasa, or the Signet of the Minister-Ratnávalí, or the
Necklace-Appendix, containing sliort accounts of different Dramas. Wilson.—THE PRESENT STATE OF THE CULTIVATION OF ORIENTAL
LITERATURE. A Lecture delivered at the Meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society. By the Director, Professor H. H. Wilson. 8vo. Pp. 26, sewed.
London, 1852. 6d. Wilson.--A DICTIONARY IN SANSKRIT AND ENGLISH. Translated,
amended, and cnlarged from an original compilation prepared by learned Natives for the College of Fort William by II. II. Wilsox. The Third Edition edited by Jagunmohana Tarkalankara and Khettramohana Mookerjee. Published by Gyanendrachandra Rayachoudhuri and Brothers. 4to. pp. 1008. Calcutta,
1874. £3 3s. Wilson (H. H.).-See also Megha Duta, Rig Veda, and Vishnu

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