Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 01
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 57 and 59 Ludgate Hill, London, E.C 41 Memoirs read before the ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, 1863 1861. Svo., pp. 5+2, cloth. 215. Memoirs read before the ANTIROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF London, 1865-6. Vol. II. 8vo., pp. X. 461, cloth. 21s. Mills – THE INDIAN SAINT; or, Buddha and Buddhism.-A Sketch Il istorical and Critical. By C. D. B. MILLS. Svo. cl., pp. 192. 7s. 6d. Minocheherji.-PAHLAVI, GUJARATI, AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By JAMASPJI DASTUR MINOCHEHERJI JAMASP ASANA, Fellow of the University of Bombay, and Member of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Vol. I. (To be completed in three volumes.) Demy 8vo. pp. clxxix and 168, with Photographic Portrait of the Author. 148. Mírkhónd. -THE HISTORY OF THE ATÁBEKS OF SYRIA AND PERSIA. By MUHAMMED Bex KHÁWENDSHÁT BEN MAHMUD, cominonly called MIRKHÓND. Now first Edited from the Collation of Sixteen MSS., by W. H. MORLEY, Barrister-at-law, M.R.A.S. To which is added a Series of Facsimiles of the Coins struck by the Atábeks, arranged and described by W. S. W. Vaux, M.A., M.R.A.S. Roy. 8vo. cloth, 7 plates, pp. 118. 1818. 78. 6d. Mitra.—THE ANTIQUITIES OF ORISSA. By RAJENDRALAL MITRA. Vol. 1. Published under Orders of the Government of India. Folio, cloth, pp. 180. With a Map and 36 Plates. £+ 48. Molesworth. —A DICTIONARY, MÁRATII and ENGLISH. Compiled by J. T. MOLESWORTH, assisted by GEORGE and Thomas CANDY. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. By J. T. MOLESWORTH. Royal 4to. pp. xxx and 922, boards. Bombay, 1857. £3 3s. Molesworth.-A COMPENDIUM OF MOLESWORTH'S MARATHI AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By BABA PADMANJI. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Demy Svo, cloth, pp. xx. and 624. 218. Möllendorff.-MANUAL OF CHINESE BIBLIOGRAPHY, being a List of Works and Essays relating to China. By P. G. and O. F. von MÖLLENDORFF, Interpreters to H.I.G.M.'s Consulates at Shanghai and Tientsin. Svo. pp. viii. and 378. £1 10s. Morley.-A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS in the Arabic and PERSIAN LANGUAGES preserved in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. By WILLIAM H. MORLEY, M.R.A.S. 8vo. pp. viii. and 160, sewed. London, 1854, 2s.6d. Morris.-A DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE GODAVERY DISTRICT in the Presidency of Madras By Henry Morris, formerly of the Madras Civil Service. Author of a “History of India for Use in Schools" and other works. Svo. cloth (with a map), pp. xii. and 390. 1878. 12s. Morrison.-A DICTIONARY OF TIIE CHINESE LANGUAGE. By the Rev. R. MORRISON, D.D. 'Two vols. Vol. I. pp. x. and 762; Vol. II. pp. 828, cloth. Shanghae, 1865. L6 68. Muhammed.-THE LIFE OF MUHAMMED. Based on Muhammed Ibn Ishak. By Abd El Malik Ibn Hisham. Edited by Dr. FERDINAND WüstenFELD. "The Arabic Text. Evo. Pp. 1026, sewed. Price 218. Introduction, Notes, and Index in German. 8vo. pp. lxxii. and 266, sewed. 78.6d. Each part sold separately. The text based on the Manuscripts of the Berlin, Leipsic, Gotha and Leyden Libraries, has been carefully revised by the learned cditor, and printed with the utmost exactness. Muir.-ORIGINAL SANSKRIT TEXTS, on the Origin and History of the People of India, their Religion and Institutions. Collected, Translated, and Illustrated by John MUIR, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D., Ph.D. Vol. I. Mythical and Legendary Accounts of the Origin of Caste, with an Inquiry


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