Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 01
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 33 Haug.-AN OLD ZAND-PAHLAVI GLOSSARY. Edited in the Original Characters, with a Transliteration in Roman Letters. an English Translation, and an Alphabetical Index. By DESTUR HOSHENGJI JAMASPJI, High-priest of the Parsis in Malwa, India. Rev. with Notes and Intro. by MARTIN II AUG, Ph.D. Publ. by order of Gov of Bombay. 8vo. sewed, pp. lvi. and 132. 15s. Haug.-AN OLD PATILAVI-PAZAND GLOSSARY. Ed., with Alphabetical Index, by DESTUR HOSHANGJI JAMASPJI Asa, High Priest of the Parsis in Malwa. Rev. and Enl., with Intro. Essay on the Pahlavi Language, by M. HAUG, Ph.D. Pub. by order of Gov. of Bombay. 8vo. pp. xvi. 152, 268, sd. 1870. 285. Haug.-ESSAYS ON THE SACRED LANGUAGE, WRITINGS, AND RELIGION OF THE PARSIS. By MARTIN AUG, PhD., late Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology at the University of Munich. Second Edition. Edited by E. W. WEST, Ph.D. Post Svo. pp. svi. and 128, cloth, 16s. Hawken.-UPA-SASTRA: Comments, Linguistic and Doctrinal, on Sacred and Mythic Literature. By J. D. HAWKEN. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii.-288. 7s.6d. Heaviside. --AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES ; or, the New World the Old, and the Old World the lew. By JOHN T. C. HEAVISIDE. 8vo. pp. 46, sewed. Is. 6/ Hebrew Literature Society (Publications of). Subscription £1 ls. per Series. 1872-3. First Series. Vol. I. Miscellany of Hebrew Literature. Demy Svo. cloth, pp. viii. and 228. 10s. Vol. II. The Commentary of Ibn Ezra on Isaiah Edited from MSS., and Translated with Notes, Introductions, and Indexes, by M. FRIEDLÄNDER, Ph.D. Vol. 1. Translation of the Commentary. Demy Svo. cloth, pp. xxviii. and 332. 10s. 6d. Vol. III The Commentary of Ibn Ezra. Vol. II. The Anglican Version of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah amended according to the Commentary of Ibn Ezra. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. 112. 4s. 6d. 1877. Second Series. Vol. 1. Miscellany of Hebrew Literature. Vol. II. Edited by the Rev. A. Löwy. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 276. 10. 61. Vol. II. The Commentary of Ibn Ezra. Vol. III. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. 172. 78. Vol. IIL. Ibn Ezra Literature. Vol. IV. Essays on the Writings of Abraham Ibn Ezra. By M. FRIED LÄNDE, Ph D. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. X.-25.2 and 78. 12s. 60. Hepburn.—A JAPANESE AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. With an English and Japanese Index. By J. C. HEPBURN, M.D., LL.D. Second edition. Imperial 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxii., 632 and 201. £8 8s. Hepburn. JAPANESE-ENGLISHI AND ENGLISH-JAPANESE DICTIONARY. By J. C. HEPBURN, M.D., LL.D. Abridged by the Author from his larger work. Small 4to. cloth, pp. vi. and 206. 1873. 18s. Hernisz.-A GUIDE TO CONVERSATION IN TIE ENGLISI AND CHINESE LANGUAGES, for the use of Americans and Chinese in California and elsewhere. By STANISLAS HERNISZ. Square 8vo. pp. 27 t, sewed. 10s. 6d. The Chinese characters contained in this work are from the collections of Chinese groups, engraved on steel, and cast into moveable types, by Mr. Marcellin Legrand, engraver of the Imperial Printing Office a: Paris. They are used by most of the missions to China. Hincks.--SPECIMEN CHAPTERS OF AN ASSYRIAN GRAMMAR. By the late Rev. E. Hincks, D.D., Hon. M.R.A.S. Svo., pp. 4+, sewed. 1s. Hodgson.- ESSAYS ON THE LANGUAGES, LITERATURE, AND RELIGION OF NEPAL AND TIBET; together with further Papers on the Geography, Ethnology, and Commerce of those Countries. By B. H. Hodgson, late British Minister at Nepál. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. 283. 148.


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