Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 01
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Axon.-THE LITERATURE OF THE LANCASHIRE DIALECT. graphical Essay. By WILLIAM E. A. AXON, F.R.S.I.. 1870. 1s. A BiblioFcap. 8vo. sewed. Baba.-AN ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE, with Easy Progressive Exercises. By TATUI BABA. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 92. 5s. Bachmaier.-PASIGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY AND GRAMMAR. By ANTON BACHMAIER, President of the Central Pasigraphical Society at Munich. 18mo. cloth, pp. viii.; 26; 160. 1870. 3s. Bachmaier.-PASIGRAPHISCHES WÖRTERBUCH ZUM GEBRAUCHE FÜR DIE DEUTSCHE SPRACHE. Verfasst von ANTON BACHMAIER, Vorsitzendem des Central-Vereins für Pasigraphie in München. 18mo. cloth, pp. viii.; 32; 128; 120. 1870. 2s. 6d Bachmaier.- DICTIONNAIRE PASIGRAPHIQUE, PRÉCEDÉ DE LA GRAMMAIRE. Redigé par ANTOINE BACHMAIER, Président de la Société Centrale de Pasigraphie à Munich. 18mo. cloth, pp. vi. 26; 168; 150. 1870. 2s. 6d. Baldwin.-A MANUAL OF THE FOOCHOW DIALECT. By Rev. C. C. BALDWIN, of the American Board Mission. 8vo. pp. viii.-256. 18s. Balfour.-WAIFS AND STRAYS FROM THE FAR EAST; being a Series of Disconnected Essays on Matters relating to China. By FREDERIC HENRY BALFOUR. 1 vol. demy 8vo. cloth, pp. 224. 10s. 6d. Ballad Society (The).-Subscription-Small paper, one guinea, and large paper, three guineas, per annum. List of publications on application. Ballantyne.-A GRAMMAR OF THE MAHRATTA LANGUAGE. For the use of the East India College at Haileybury. By JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy. 4to. cloth, pp. 56. 5s. Ballantyne.-ELEMENTS OF HINDI AND BRAJ BHÁKÁ GRAMMAR. By the late JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, LL.D. Second edition, revised and corrected Crown 8vo., pp. 44, cloth. 5s. Ballantyne.-FIRST LESSONS IN SANSKRIT GRAMMAR; together with an Introduction to the Hitopadésa. Second edition. Second Impression. By JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, LL.D., Librarian of the India Office. 8vo. pp. viii. and 110, cloth. 1873. 3s. 6d. Ballantyne.-HINDUSTANI SELECTIONS IN THE NASKHI AND DEVANAGARI Character. With a Vocabulary of the Words. Prepared for the use of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, by JAMES R. BALLANTYNE. Royal Svo. cloth, pp. 74. 38. 6d. Ballantyne.-PRINCIPLES OF PERSIAN CALIGRAPHY, illustrated by Lithographic Plates of the TA'LIK characters, the one usually employed in writing the Persian and the Hindūstānī. Second edition. Prepared for the use of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, by JAMES R. BALLANTYNE. 4to. cloth, pp. 14, 6 plates. 2s. 6d. Banerjea. -THE ARIAN WITNESS, or the Testimony of Arian Scriptures in corroboration of Biblical History and the Rudiments of Christian Doctrine. Including Dissertations on the Original Home and Early Adventures of IndoArians. By the Rev. K. M. BANERJEA. 8vo. sewed, pp. xviii. and 236. Ss. 6d. Bate.-A DICTIONARY OF THE HINDEE LANGUAGE. Compiled by J. D. BATE. 8vo. cloth, pp. 806. £2 12s. 6d. Beal.-TRAVELS OF FAH HIAN AND SUNG-YUN, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.) Translated from the Chinese, by S. BEAL (B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge), a Chaplain in Her Majesty's Fleet, a Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, and Author of a Translation of the Pratimôksha and the Amithâba Sûtra from the Chinese. Crown 8vo. pp. lxxiii. and 210, cloth, ornamental, with a coloured map. 10s. 6d.


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