Book Title: Essays Lectures on Religion of Hindu Vol 01
Author(s): H H Wilson
Publisher: Trubner and Company London

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________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. from the Chinese by the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain, R.X.-III. On the Preservation of National Litcrature in the East. By Colonel F. J. Goldsmid.-IV. On the Agricultural, Commercial, Financial, and Military Statistics of Ceylon. By E. R. Power, Esq.- V. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Vedic Theogony and Mythology. By J. Muir, D.C.L., LL.D.-VI. A Tabular List of Original Works and Translations, published by the late Dutch Government of Ceylon at their Printing Press at Colombo. Coinpiled by Mr. Mat. P.J. Ondaatje, of Colombo.-VII. Assyrian and IIebrew Chronology compared, with a view of showing the extent to which the Hebrew Chronology of Ussher must be modified, in conformity with the Assyrian Canon. By J. W. Bosanquet, Esq.-VIII. On the existing Dictionaries of the Malay Language. By Dr. H. N. van der Tuuk.-IX. Bilingual Readings : Cuneiform and Phænician. Notes on some Tablets in the British Muscum, containing Bilingual Legends (Assyrian and Phoenician). By Major-General Sir H. Rawlinson, K.C.B., Director R.A.S.-X. Translations of Three Copper-plate Inscriptions of the Fourth Century A.D., and Notices of the Chålukya and Gurjjara Dynasties By Professor J. Dowson, Staff College, Sandburst.-XI. Yama and the Doctrine of a Future Life, according to the Rig-Yajur-, and Atharva-Vedas. By J. Muir, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D.-XII. On the Jyotisha Observation of the Place of the Colures, and the Date derivable from it. By William D. Whitney, Esq., Professor of Sanskrit in Yale College, New Haven, U.S.-Note on the preceding Article. By Sir Edward Colebrooke, Bart., M.P., President R.A.S.-XIII. Progress of the Vedic Religion towards Abstract Conceptions of the Deity. By J. Muir, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D.-XIV. Brief Notes on the Age and Authenticity of the Work of Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, Bhattotpala, and Bhaskaracharya. By Dr. Bhâu Daji, Ilonorary Member R.A.S.-XV. Outlines of a Graminar of the Malagasy Language. By H. N. Van der Tuuk.- XVI. On the Identity of Xandrames and krananda. By Edward Thomas, Esq. Vol. II. In Two Parts. pp. 522, sewed. 1866-7. 16s. CONTENTS.-I. Contributions to a knowledge of Vedic Theogony and Mythology. No. 2. By J. Muir, Esq.-II. Miscellaneous Hymns from the Rig- and Atharva-Vedas. By J. Muir, Esq.-111. Five hundred questions on the Social Condition of the Natives of Bengal. By the Rev. J. Long.-IV. Short account of the Malay Manuscripts belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society. By Dr. H. N. van der Tunk.-V. Translation of the Amitabha Sutra from the Chinese. By the Rev. s. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy.-VI. The initial coinage of Bengal. By Edward Thomas, Esq.-VII. Specimens of an Assyrian Dictionary. By Edwin Norris, Esq.- VIII. On the Relations of the Priests to the other classes of Indian Society in the Vedic age By J. Muir, Esq.-IX. On the Interpretation of the Veda. By the same.-X. An attempt to Translate from the Chinese a work known as the Confessional Services of the great compassionate Kwan Yin, possessing 1000 hands and 1000 eyes. By the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy. -XI. The Hymns of the Gaupâyanas and the Legend of King Asamâti. By Professor Max Müller, M.A., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society.-XII. Specimen Chapters of an Assyrian Grammar. By the Rev. E. Hincke, D.D., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society. Vol. III. In Two Parts. pp. 516, sewed. With Photograph. 1868. 22s. CONTESTS.-I. Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. II. Remarks on the Indo-Chinese Alphabets. By Dr. A. Bastian.-III. The poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, Arragonese. By the Ilon. H. E. J. Stanley.-IV. Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of King's College, Cambridge. By Edward Henry Palmer, B.A, Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge; Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, Membre de la Société Asiatique de Paris.-V. Description of the Amravati 'I'ope in Guntur. By J. Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S. - VI. Remarks on Prof. Brockhaus' edition of the Kathåsarit-sågara, Lambaka IX. XVIII. By Dr. H. Kern, Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Leyden.-VII. The source of Colebrooke's Essay "On the Duties of a Faithful Hindu Widow." By Fitzedward Hall, Esq.. M.A., D.C.L. Oxon. Supplenient: Further detail of proofs that Colebrooke's Essay, “On the Duties of a Faithful Hindu Widow," was not indebted to the Vivadabhangârnava. By Fitzedward Hall, Esq.-VUI. The Sixth II ymn of the First Book of the Rig Veda. By Professor Max Müller, M.A. Ilon. M.R.A.S.-IX. Sassanian Inscriptions. By E. Thomas, Esq.-X. Ac. count of an Embassy from Morocco to Spain in 1690 and 1691. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley.XI. The l'oetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley.-XII. Materials for the History of India for the Six Ilundred Years of Mohammadan rule, previous to the Foundation of the British Indian Empire. By Major W. Nassau Lees, LL.D., Ph.D.--XIII. A Few Words concerning the Hill people inhabiting the Forests of the Cochin State. By Captain G. E. Fryer, Madras Staff Corps, M.R.A.S.-XIV. Notes on the Bhojpuri Dialect of Hindi, spoken in Western Bebar. By John Beames, Esq., B.C.S., Magistrate of Chumparun. Vol. IV. In Two Parts. pp. 521, sewed. 1869-70. 168. CONTEXTS.-I. Contribution towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. Part II.-II. On Indian Chronology. By J. Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S.- III. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan of Arragon. By the Ilon. H. E. J. Stanley.-IV. On the Magar Language of Nepal. By John Beamcs, Esq., B.C.S.-V. Contributions to the knowledge of Parsee Literature. By Edward Sachau, Ph.D).- VI. Illustrations of the Lamaist System in Tibet, drawn from Chinese Sources. By Wm. Frederick Mayers, Esq., of II.B.M. Consular Service, China.VII. Khuddaka Pátha, a Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-Vill. An Endeavour to elucidate Rashiduddin's Geographical Notices of India. By Col. II. Yule, C.B.- IX. Sassanian Inscriptions explained by the Pahlavi of the Parsis. By E. W. West, Esq.-X. Some Account of the Senbyú Pagoda at Mengán, near the Burmese Capital, in a Memorandum by Capt. E. 11. Sladan, Political Agent at Mandale; with Remarks on the Subject by Col. Ilenry Yule, C.B. - XI. The Brhat-Sanhità; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varâha-Mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. II. Kern.-XII. The Mohammedan Law of Evidence, and its influence on the Administration of


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