servance. In justice to the doctrines of the sect, it is to be observed that these practices, if instituted merely for sensual gratification, are held to be as illicit and reprehensible as in any other branch of the Hindu faith'.
पीत्वा पीत्वा पुनः पीत्वा यावल्लुठति भूतले । उत्थाय च पुनः पीत्वा पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते ॥
Let him pledge the wine cup again and again, Till he measures his length on the ground. Let him rise and once more the goblet drain, And with freedom for aye, from a life of pain, Shall the glorious feat be crowned.
1 The Kulárnava has the following and many similar passages;
they occur constantly in other Tantras:
बहवः कौलिकं धर्म मिथ्याज्ञानविडम्बकाः । स्वबुद्ध्या कलयन्तीत्यं पारम्पर्यविवर्जिताः ॥ मद्यपानेन मनुजा यदि सिद्धिं लभन्ति तत् । मद्यपानरताः सर्वे सिद्धिं यान्ति समीहिताम् ॥ मांसभक्षणमात्रेण यदि पुण्यगतिर्भवेत् । लोके मांसाशिनः सर्वे पुरायवन्तो भवन्ति किम् ॥ स्त्रीसम्भोगेन देवेशि यदि मोक्षं व्रजन्ति तत् । सर्वे ऽपि जन्तवो लोके मुक्ताः स्युः स्त्रीनिषेवनात् । कुलमार्गयुतो देवि न मया निन्दितः क्वचित् । आचाररहिता यत्र निन्दितास्ते न चेतरे ॥ कुलद्रव्याणि सेव्यन्ते ये ऽन्यदर्शनमाश्रिताः । तदङ्गरोमप्रमाणं पुनर्जन्म भविष्यति ॥
"Many false pretenders to knowledge, and who have not been duly initiated, pretend to practice the Kaula rites; but if perfection be obtained by drinking wine, independently of my commands, then every drunkard is a saint: if virtue consist in eating flesh, then every carnivorous animal in the world is virtuous: if eternal happiness be derived from sexual intercourse, then all beings will be entitled to it: a follower of the Kula doctrine is blameless in my sight, if he reproves those of other