rently in ten lectures. Antakriddašá, on the actions of the Tirthankarus, in ten lectures. Anuttaropapátikadaść, on the principal or final births of the Tírthankaras, in ten lectures. Praśnavyákarańam, Grammar of questions, probably on the Code of the Jains. Vipákaśrutam, on the fruits or consequences of actions.
With these are connected inferior Angas or Upángas, the names of which are not specified—whilst the Drishtiváda, the twelfth Anga, which seems to be a supplementary authority, is divided into five portions entitled: Parikarma, on moral acts; Sútra, precepts for conduct and life; Púrvánuyoga, on the doctrines and practice of the Tirthankaras before attaining perfection; Púrvagata, on the same after perfection! Chúlikú, on doctrines and practice not comprised in the two preceding.
These different works profess to be derived from the oral instructions of Malávira himself to his disciples, especially to GAUTAMA; but besides these a class of works is enumerated by HEMACHANDRA, entitled Púrvas, because they were drawn up by the Gañadharas before the Angas'. There are fourteen of them treating of the chief tenets of the sect, apparently sometimes controversially, as the Astipraváda, the doctrine of existence and non-existence; Jnánapraváda, the doctrine of holy knowledge; Satyapra
सूषितानि गणधरैरङ्गेभ्यः पूर्वमेव यत् ।
पूर्वाणीत्यभिधीयन्ते तेनैतानि चतुर्दश ॥ Mahi Vira Char. Section 5.