one thousand and three hundred; Kevalís, or detached from acts, seven hundred; Manovits, possessors of intellectual wisdom, five hundred; Vádís, controversialists, four hundred; Srávakas, the male laity, one lakh and fifty-nine thousand; and Śrávikás, female hearers of the word, double that number, or three lakhs and eighteen thousand. The only Ganadharas present were GAUTAMA and SUDHARNÁ, the other nine having attained felicity, or having died before their master.
The period of his liberation having arrived, Mahávíra resigned his breath, and his body was burned by SAKRA and other deities, who divided amongst them such parts as were not destroyed by the flames, as the teeth and bones, which they preserved as relics; the ashes of tlie pile were distributed amongst the assistants: the gods erected a splendid monument on the spot, and then returned to their respective heavens. These events occurred on the day of new moon, in the month Kártik, when MaHÁVÍRA was seventy-two years of age, thirty of which were spent in social duties, and the rest in religious avocations, and he died two hundred and fifty years after the preceding Jina, PÁRŚVANÁTH: no other date is given, but in the passage, in the prophetic strain above alluded to, it is mentioned that Kumára Pála will found Anahilla Pattan", and become the disciple of HEMACHANDRA, one thousand six hundred and sixty-nine years after the death of MAHÁVÍRA..
* [formerly called Analaválo.]