place about an hour and a half after the preceding, or when four Gharís of the day have elapsed.
3. Gwala; the image is now visited, preparatory to his going out to attend the cattle along with the cow-herd; this ceremony is held about forty - eight minutes after the last, or when six Gharis have passed.
4. Rúju Bhóga: held at mid-day, when Kńsura is supposed to come in from the pastures, and dine: all sorts of delicacies are placed before the image, and both those and other articles of food dressed by the ministers of the temple are distributed to the numerons votaries present, and not unfrequently sent to the dwellings of worshippers of some rank and consequence.
5. Utthápan; the calling up: the summoning of the god from his siesta: this takes place at six Gharis, or between two and three hours before sui-set.
6. Bhóga; the afternoon meal, about half an hour after the preceding
7. Sandhyá : about sun-set, the evening toilet of the image, when the ornaments of the day are taken off, and fresh unguent and perfume applied.
8. Sayan; retiring to repose: the image, about eight or nine in the evening, is placed upon a bed, refreshments and water in proper vases, together with the betel box and its appartenances, are left near it, when the votaries retire, and the temple is shut till the ensuing morning.
Upou all these occasions the ceremony is much the