Works of Hemacandra
are the supplements of the Abhidhānacintāmaņi. Vallabhagaội wrote a commentary called Seșasangrahasāroddhāral on Seșasangraha. An index to the Abhidhānacintāmaņi was compiled by Maithila vidyākara.
Perhaps, his dictionaries were compiled after the Siddhahaimaśabdānuśāsana in the year between 1141 – 1143 A. D.3
2. Anekārthasangraha* ; It is called Nāpārthamālākhyakośas also. It is a hynonymic dictionary divided in seven chapters. First six chapters are divided in accordance with the number of syllables i. e. from monosyllabic to hexasyllabic words. The seventh chapter deal with indeclinables. Mahendrasūri, a disciple of Hemacandra wrote a commentary called Anekārthakairavakaumudio on it and because of profound respect for his preceptor attributed to his name?. C.D. Dalal also ascribes the commentary to Mahendrasūris. Another commentary on the work is Anekārthasangrahaţikā”. Anekārthasangrahaśeşa of Jinaprabha and Anekārthavyayasangraha are its supplements10
3. Anekārthaśeşalı : It is perhaps, a - supplement to Anekārthasangraha. 1. ibid., p. 219. 2. ibid., p. 219. 3. Zachariae, T. Indischen wörterbücher, p. 31. 4. Ed, with the commentary of Mahendrasūri, Zachariae, T. wien 1893. 5. Lists of MSS. collected for the Govt. Mss Library by the Professors
of Sanskrit at the Deccan and Elphinstone colleges since 1895-99.
Appendix by Bühler, G, No. 114. 6. Bd. Zachariae, T. wien, 1893. 7, Peterson, P. Reports on the search of Skt. Mss. Vol. I. p. 51. 8. Dalal, C.D. A catalogue of Mss. in Jesalmere Bhandar, G.O.S. XXI.
P. 63. 9. Raghavan, V. Now Catalogus catalogorum, Vol. I. 168. 10. ibid., pp. 168-169. 11. Bühler, G. A Catalogue o Skt. M99, in the Private libraries of
Gujarat etc. p. 34, No. 5,
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