His Haimaśabdānuśāsana is a mature and unambiguous work on grammar of the mediaeval age. He utilized all the available schools of grammar and tried to incorporate them in his work. While reviewing this grammar, kielhorn calls it to be the best grammar of the middle age of India'. Moreover, the whole of the Dvyāśrayakāvya is a marvellous proof of his practical grammatical knowledge. In this poem he has elucidated some of the tedious concepts of grammar through similes. He calls grammarians as Lākṣaṇika. He has cited the Pāṇinian grammar also (I. 3; IV. 44).
SIKSĀ AND NIRUKTA : They are referred to by Abhayatilakagani while commenting upon Șadanga (I. 65)'.
ASTRONOMY: Hemacandra has specified astronomers as Mauhurtas. Abhayatilaka gani has explained the word muhurta as Astronomy (XV. 116). The nine planets bave been enumerated as Arka, Soma, Mangala, Buddha, Guru, Sukra, Saniścara, Rāhu and Ketu (I. 195). Hemacandra has enlisted the Nakşatras as Citrā, Revatī, Rohiņī, Māgha, Asvin, Kșttikā (XVI. 58), Pușya, Svātī, Viśākhā, Raivata, Tişya, Punarvasū and Raubiņa (XVI. 57)4. Hemacandra has propounded their conjunction also e.g. the conjunction of Tişya and Punarvasū is named as Tişyapunarvasű (V. 107). The night of the Mārgaśīrṣa month is called Āgrahāyaṇikā (XV. 103). The commentator Abhayatilakagani has expounded the relation of Nakșatras in detail (V. 56). Beside, Hemacandra
1. Kielhorn, W.Z.K.M. II., 1888, p. 24. 2. Dv. I. 8, 16, 34, 37, 38, 50, 104 etc. vide, infra, cb. VIII. 3. Dy. 1. 65
शिक्षाकल्पव्याकरणनिरुक्तज्योतिश्छन्दसाम् । -4. For synonyms of Nakşatras, see Hemacandra's Abbidbānacintāmaņi
II. (Devakānda), Verses 87-126.
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