Book Title: Dvyasrayakavya
Author(s): Satyapal Narang
Publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal Publisher's Pvt Ltd New Delhi
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identification of 103-104, Hanti, 132 Gșhyakarma, 30
Hanumat, 44 Graivahāra, 200.
Hara, 41 Grammar, 26, 207
Hāra, 200 Grammatical, study of DV. Hāragovinda, 14n
134 ff. ; - works of Hema- Hardwar, 154 candra 9 ff.,
Hargovinddas, 11n Grierson, G. 8,
Haribhadra, 13 Grīşma festival, 234
Hariņi, 86, 93 Group of iriegular forms, 147; Hariscandra, 127 -of words, 145.
Hartinapura, 157 Groups : Combination of, 148 Høstini heroine, 34 Guilds of artists, 211
Hemacandra accompanied Gujarat, 132
Siddharāja to pilgrim. Gūmadı va, 121
ages 3 ; a humanitarian, 5; Guņacandrasūri, 14
attitude of Brāhmaṇas Guñjā 216
towards 4 ; Erudition of Gurdaspur, 163
(General) 24 ff. ; Life and Gūrjara, 165, 172
personality of i ff. ; Meet. Guru (planet) 27
ing with Kumārapāla 3 ff.; Gurukulas, 206
Propagation of Jainism 4.5 Guruśuśrūşā, 31
religious inilnence of 225 ;
works ascribed to 13-14 ; H
Works of 6 ff. ; -ComHaimaprākstadhuņāļikā, 10 mentaries 13 ff., DictionHaimaśabdānuśāsana, see
aries 6 ff., Gathas and Siddhbaimaśabdājušāsana Caritas 12 ; Grammar 9 ff.; Haimavibhrama, 14
Metrics 10; Philosophy Hair-cutter, 213
10 ; Poems 11; Rheto, ics Halāyudha, 134
10. Haldar, R.R 111n
Hemacadraviveka. 14 Hallīsa, 34,
Hemacandriya, 9 Hammuka 18, 47n, 83 ; king Herbs, specified in DV.30 .
of Sindh, 101.
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