Caitra Kļşņāştami, a Sain Caturupāya, 32 festival, 235
Caudaśrāddha, 235 Camba, 159
Cedī, 18, 96, 98; honesty in Cambay, 121
190 ; identification of 158 ; Campānagara, 155
-- räja, 97. Cāmundā, 230
Celibacy ip Jainism, 232 Cāmuṇdarāja, 17, 47, 95, 104, Central Province, 156
105, 117, 120, 123 ; Chāgaleyin, 206 boundary of, 99;characteri- Chakravarti, S.C. 5 n zation of 80; routed Chambal river, 166 Paramaras, 105
Chāndogya, 206 Camūpa, 174
Chandonuśāsana, 23; and its Canda city, 163
| Vrtti, 10. Cāņņāla, 184
Characterization in DV. 76 ff. Cãndan, 14
Chatterjee, K.C. 55n Caņdapātha, 123
China, 214 Cāndauri, 163
Chinab, 160. Canderī, 158
Cina, 184 Caņdikā, 77, 208, 231 Cities, after the pame of a Candradeva, Pāla king 157 person, 164; after the name Candapurī, identity of 163 of a product or abundance Cāngadeva, 2
164 ; in the DV. 162 ff; Caraka, 216
description of in DV. 49 Carañavijaya, 12n
Citrā, 27 Carca, 36
Citragupta, 40 Carmamundā, 230
Classification and discussions Carmavatī, a pilgrimage, 166, of the grammatical portion river, 236.
of DV. 137 ff. Caru, 182
Cloth, Variety of, 198 Cārvāka, 28, 79, 207
Coins, 214 ff. ; made of iron, Caste system in DV. 182 ff. 215. Castes, number of 182 Colaka, 199 Câturmāsya, 26
Colours, 199 Caturmäsa, upavāsa in, 235 Commerce, 209
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