wound and control bleeding. A few natural treatments are referred to Cough can be pacified by labour (VII. 22). Regularly washing the feet; bandaging wet cloth and the use of guda with milk can remove many diseases (I11.129.)
While illustrating the compounds, Hemacandra bas mentioned the following herbs :
Satapuşpā, Jişņusankhapușpā, Satyāpușpā, Prāntapușpayẫmã, vāsīphalya, Ekapespa, Bhasrãihaia, Samphala, Ajitaphalā and Adarbhamūlaphalā (IV. 69-70). Other harbs are Jayadā, Krşņapāks, Äkhukarṇī, Govālī and Sālaparņi (IV. 60). Hemacandra compiled a long list of flora in his botanical dictionary called Nighanțuśeșa. These herbs cannot be identified easily.
DHARMASĀSTRA: Dharma, Artba, Kāma and Mokşa. are four goals of human life (I. 130; II. 2). At another place, they are mentioned three in number (Trikarapumartha, 1. 183; XI.61). In the opinion of Hemacandra, it is very essential to acquire them (VII. 29),
Amongst Smộtis (1. 65) Hemacandra has named the Manusmộti and the Yājñavalkyasmộti which were listened to by the kings (XII, 1) Hemacandra has referred to four Āśramas which are interpreted by Abhayatilakagaņi as Brabmacārin, Gțhin, Vānaprastha and Bhikṣu (I. 128). He has mentioned Śrāddhas (V. 38), Gphyakarmas (XV. III), Saptapadi (XVIII. 28), Bali (XIV. 43), Pitrtarpaņa (I. 188) and the importance of Pitsşņa (XI.11). Pitsvahni and Brahmavahni are the two main sacrificial fires.
Amongst Vratas, Hemacandra has specified Cāndrāyaṇa (XVII.47), Godānavrata (also called Adityavrata XVII.48), no marriage (Devavrata) and to practise Yamas (Mahāvrata XVII.49). He has referred to six essential duties which are explained by Abhayatilakagaņi as sacrifice (yajña), conducting a sacrifice for others (yājana), study (Adhyayana,)
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